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Two Afghani men find a murdered driver on an empty bus. "Sloane NCIS" is scrawled on a dusty window. Jack tells Gibbs that she bid on a place on a Costa Rican beach. She's still threatening to leave. A busload of girls gets taken by the Taliban, including Darya, who helped Jack when she was a Taliban prisoner. Vance arranges transport for Jack and Gibbs to Afghanistan. Vance has the rest of the team track a possible Taliban sympathizer, Albert. Torres and Bishop find him dead. Gibbs convinces Jack to start the search for the girls in the morning. They call Vance for backup. A man brings in one of the missing girls. She says she was let go. A broadcast appears on line with some of the missing girls and Darya. The Taliban are holding an auction for the girls. The dead man, Albert, was the hacktivist Albatross. His ex-partner, Ben Mitchell, agrees to help McGee and Kasie get into Albert's computer. Albert was poisoned. Albert's security measures crashes the NCIS network. Vance can't get troop support and he forbids any rescue. Darya may have helped out Albert. Gibbs finds Darya's necklace. Gibbs is afraid it's a trap. The virus attacking NCIS is coming from outside. They use Palmer to trap that hacktivist. He identifies her. Bishop convinces her to get them into Albert's computer. Darya is thrown from a truck and dies. Jack wants to quit. GIbbs and Jack plan to investigate a village by themselves. Ben murdered Albert. He felt betrayed by whom Ben was working with. He only meant to send Albert to the hospital. Nabi was the Taliban insider. He gives up the girls' location rather than face Jack. Jack stays in Afghanistan to help with Darya's NGO. GIbbs kisses her goodbye.

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NCIS Season 18 Episode 8 Quotes

Exactly how dangerous is this situation?

McGee [to Vance]

We caught the bad guy hours ago. Usually, we go home after that.

Gibbs [to Jack]