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Rating: 3.8 / 5.0 (123 Votes)
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-Mary Margaret finds August living in a trailer in the woods. He can move but he's turned to wood.


-Jepetto tells Mary Margaret he lied to her and sent August through the wardrobe with Emma. She hits him but then apologizes saying she understands the need to protect your child. They go to find August but he's gone.


-Neal's fiancee Tamara arrives and she's not what she seems. She met August in Thailand in 2011. He was looking for a cure from The Dragon. He stole money from Tamara to buy it but she stole it back and then killed the Dragon.  She finds August in current Storybrooke and kills him too.


-The Blue Fairy saves August because his last act was to warn Emma and it was brave, true, and unselfish. He's turned back into a boy. 


-Regina remembers that Greg is Owen and confronts him. She says his father left right after he did. Greg doesn't believe him. Turns out that Tamara is also Owen's lover and they are plotting something together. 


-Mary Margaret tells David about her heart turning black. He tells her she will be redeemed. 


Once Upon a Time
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