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Spencer is woken up by the sounds of a baby crying from A's phone, so she turns to the liars for help. When they are all together, debating who should take the phone, Hanna is chosen by the phone. 

The next morning Hanna's design is branded as stolen across the internet, so she realizes she needs to find Jenna before it's too late. 

He door goes and it's someone dressed as her in a mask. 

Spencer goes on a day trip with Fury when he claims he wants to make her smile. 

Emily visits Yvonne in the hospital, but she's in a bad way. 

Caleb tries to figure out how to get access to the board game, while Hanna finds out the doll wants her to cut her and take something out of the appendix.

Aria and Emily find out Sidney was the anonymous tip and try to find a way to meet her. Emily and Aria hack her phone, but she gives them little info, so Aria puts a GPS tracker in her bag. 

Toby married Yvonne and she died on her wedding day. Toby turns to Spencer for comfort. 

Aria returns home to find Nicole in the house. 

Fury has a finger delivered to Rosewood police. 

Pretty Little Liars
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