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We pick up with Ray in therapy after lashing out at a family gathering and putting some of his family in the hospital. 

He goes to a bar called "Abby's" and has a chat with the manager, who says that they are bleeding money on a monthly basis. This did not seem to faze Ray, who was adamant that it remained open. 

Bridget went on a mission to Chicago and found someone who she had met in the hospital. They chatted and she revealed that her mother was dead. 

Connor was in the military, and Ray chatted to him about sticking it out. 

Bunchy found himself at odds with Lena when it became apparent she did not want him at the company because she was upset about the lack of Javi. 

In a flashback, we find out that a woman ran on the road and that Ray lost control of the car. Abby's head was hurt but they both escaped the crash. 

Sometime later, it emerged that Bridget was the one to find the body. 

Ray tried to sell the house, but he realized he couldn't after having a memory of what happened. 

Terry tried to move on with his life and with Maureen, but it emerged that her brother had some beef with Terry and wanted the wedding halted. 

Ray Donovan
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Ray Donovan Season 5 Episode 1 Quotes

Therapist: So, you want to tell me what happened?
Ray: It's on the file, right?
Therapist: In your words.
Ray: I got in a fight.
Therapist: I see that.

Mickey: I got the Boutin airs.
Ray: I told you not to bring the fucking dog in here, Mick.
Mickey: Picked them slowly too.