Will Travers Picture
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On the pilot episode of Rubicon, we met Will Travers. He works at a federal intelligence agency and is a very smart guy. His job entails figuring out codes, sorting through complicated documents, forming an informed opinion on pretty much everything on the planet.

He walks around in a state of sadness because he wife and daughter died on 9/11. His secretary, Maggie, seems to have an interest in Will romantically, but it's very hard to get to know or to get through to.

Early on the episode, Will thinks he has cracked a code in the crossword puzzles of numerous newspapers. He takes this to his boss, David, who we later learn is his father-in-law. David reacts nonchalantly and blows Will off, but then takes the case Kale Ingram, another higher-up. Both men are concerned over it and David doesn't mention Will's involvement in discovering it.

We then watch as Will receives a present from David, a motorcycle, and is told to meet him the following morning outside the city. But there's a train crash and David is killed on it. At the funeral, Kale offers Will David's job.

Will doesn't want to take it, as he wants to get away from the company in general. But after receiving a strange phone call, and also meeting with Ed Bancroft - a former employee who also acted strangely when Will showed him the crossword puzzles - Will feels like something unusual is at play. This feeling is intensified when he sees David's car parked in spot number-13 at the train station. David was very superstitious and never would have parked there. What is going on?!?

Will chooses to stay at the firm and find out.

Elsewhere, the first scene of the show was of a millionaire in a mansion taking a gun and shooting himself in the head, following a glance at the newspaper and then outside at his wife and kids.

The final scene is of men sitting around, acknowledging this man's death, and saying the plan can continue now.

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Rubicon Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Lauren: Why is Will Travers so mopey?
Miles: He's not mopey, it's just introspective.
Lauren: He walks around like his favorite cat just died.
Miles: Try wife and child. Try 9/11.

The biggest joke is that our business is to tell people what to think - and the truth is, I have no idea what to think anymore.
