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Bridgette meets Eliza at the movies and takes Larry with her. They watch a horror film, but Bridgette is told she needs to leave quickly. 

When she gets outside, she finds that her car has been towed away, and she asks a creepy man to take them to the pound. 

He does so, and they notice he has a dirty picture of Melania Trump. 

The yard is closed, but Larry sneaks in and Bridgette is forced to go in. Her hair gets stuck in the barbed wire, but she is happy to find that Larry has been pooping in a toilet. 

When they found the car, they realized they were locked in and a woman let them out when she noticed they were stuck. 

Tutu acted like she was in a relationship with Edmond and emptied her savings account to splash some cash. 

She buys scratch cards to try and change her fortune, and is shocked when Joe makes it up the stairs to tell her they won a trip to Boston. 

That helped her realize who she should be in a relationship with and everything was fine. 

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SMILF Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Bridgette: You said you'd learn to use the toilet today. Do you want to use the toilet?
Larry: No.
Bridgette: Uhhh, I'm a terrible mother. Does that make you feel guilty enough to try?
Larry: No.

Tutu: Could you help me with where my cheekbones are?
Assistant: Look surprised.
Tutu: Well, that looked like you felt a little nauseous.