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Penny and Leonard are still struggling with their relationship. Leonard has a nightmare about Sheldon kissing Penny.

Sheldon returns some things to Amy, including a red bra that isn't hers. She's still very angry with him. The bra is Penny's, and it looks like Sheldon used it just to try and make Amy jealous.

Bernadette is upset because Howard told her about Leonard and Mandy years ago, and she's been forced to keep the secret.

Sheldon films a special episode of fun with flags, which is insulting to Amy and makes her even more upset.

Leonard researches prices for marriage counseling in hopes of mending his relationship.

Sheldon suggests Penny meet Mandy.

Leonard approaches Mandy about their kiss, who tells Leonard she thinks he's trying to sabotage his relationship. Leonard realizes that she might be right.

Leonard and Penny talk about their issues, and Leonard admits that he sometimes feels he doesn't deserve her. Penny says she understands, and sometimes feels the same way. The two decide to wuit worrying and just enjoy their lives together.

Sheldon presents them both with a wedding present. Amy arrives, angry with Sheldon. Sheldon takes her attention as a sign that he can win her back.




The Big Bang Theory
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The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Episode 2 Quotes

The show must go on, and thankfully all the things my girlfriend used to do can be taken care of with my right hand.


Leonard: Penny, after all these years, I still feel like maybe I don't deserve you.
Penny: Okay, that is the lamest excuse you could have possibly come up with. But I get it.
Leonard: You do?
Penny: Yeah. Sometimes I worry I'm gonna wake up, and you're going to leave me for someone like you.