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A doctor in Yemen looks after his patient and then receives a call from his fiancee. While he's on the call, Yemeni soldiers come and arrest him.

Halrod leaves for work while Agnes stays home because she's sick. As soon as Halrod leaves, Raymond comes in, and he has breakfast with her.

A congressman looks into the FBI's discretionary budget and notices unaccounted spending from the Task Force. He vows to look into it as he suspects corruption.

Harlod informs the Task Force of the newest development just as Dembe receives a text from one Aissa -- his ex.

In the past, Dembe and Aissa meet in Paris.

Dembe visits her, and she informs him of Dr. Michael Abani's arrest and asks for help. Dembe calls Ressler, and he looks into it. Michael is accused of funding rebels in Yemen.

Dembe and Aissa go on their first date in the past.

Dembe makes contact with Raymond to ask for his help. 

Harlod looks into Congressman Hudson and learns more about him.

Dembe learns that Abani is incriminated in a corruption scheme, but Aissa doesn't believe it. They find something that might exonerate him.

In the past, Dembe pleads with Aissa to leave with him, but she hesitates. He leaves without her.

Aissa confronts an acquaintance of Abani while elsewhere, Dembe realizes that someone else had access to Aban's accounts, and it's the man Aissa went to see.

The man attacks her, but he is nowhere to be found when they get there. Raymond got to him and took him. He offers him to the Yemeni authorities in exchange for Abani's release.

Dembe returns to Paris in the past after a few months and finds Aissa has a daughter. His daughter.

In the present, Dembe helps her pack as she goes to meet Abani.

Harold returns home and learns that Raymond had visited.

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 12 Quotes

Agnes: How come you sold all your houses
Raymond: Recently, I found myself letting go more and more so that I can better hold on to what I want and still be light on my feet.

How come you always come over here, and I never go to your house?
