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On this episode of The Blacklist…

A seafood processing plant, which is being used for a secret operation by a member of the New Martyrs Brigade, is attacked, and tech is stolen.

Red puts the FBI team on the New Martyrs and the attack.

Aram attends a deposition about his girlfriend who was undercover and hacked the FBI. He is cleared as a person of interest.

The New Martyrs send Farook from Libya to finish the project and find out who attacked them.

A member of Blackthorn Kincaid, an American business, is helping the New Martyrs with the classified tech.

The FBI is given a possible suspect by the Blackthorn Kincaid, but he is being set up.

Turns out, Samar was working with the Mossad, who set up the attack.

Samar is captured, but the Mossad and the FBI team up to stop the terrorists and rescue Samar.

Aram rescinds his dinner date with Samar citing issues of trust.

Red uses the president-elect and gets Liz pardoned.

Liz is returned to special agent status.

The Blacklist
Episode Number:
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