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A family is on the beach when a bunch of people come ashore, many dead.

Liz meets with Red and tells him that she and Tom got married. Red tells Liz about human smuggling. The guy who took Red's place in the business shoots a man. It's a new Blacklister, but one without a name.

Red gives them the information they need. Dembe is going to be the mole.They all go to Greece. He gets in as Malik Shariff.

Red visits the older Kilgannon in Bulgaria once Liz gives him the information Dembe learned.

Back in Virginia Tom meets with the clinic girl who has information about Pete. Clinic girl distracts the cashier while Tom gets security camera infor. The guy who was following them before follows them again.

The elder Klingannon tells Red that his son is in charge. Red offers to take over the business, but the guy turns him down.

Tom and clinic girl learn where Pete might have been staying via a key on the dashboard.

Red doesn't want Dembe to go on the Task Force's mission, but Dembe really wants to and Red agrees.

The older Klingannon confronts Colin (his son) about the China disaster and Colin doesn't like it and kills his father.

Task Force is monitoring Dembe's route.

Tom finds Pete when someone breaks in the motel and knocks Tom out.

The smuggler's move people into different trucks. They lose the connection with Dembe.The truck with Dembe gets out before the Task Force gets to it. There's a raid, but Dembe's truck is already gone. He's with the girl who was separated from her parents.

Liz calls Red and tells him that Dembe is gone. The truck only has two hours of air. Red goes to Kilgannon's house to find out information. The mother helps Red find the son.

Tom meets the man with the suitcase. He wants to meet with Red. The guy sort of looks like Glen. The guy kills Pete and clinic girl after making her think she was free.

Red finds Colin and kills his men. He wants the names of the drivers. Red gets the information he needs and kills Colin. Meanwhile, some guys are trying to break through the walls of the truck. Dembe takes control and tells the guy they need to save the air and slow the breathing. The guys talk about killing people to save the air.

Red tells Liz why Dembe stayed with him. 

Things on the truck get worse.

Red is at a driver's apartment and finds the information about the truck. He finds the truck. The girl is almost dead and Red takes off with her and Dembe. They're on the way to the hospital. She's okay. Dembe is happy. Red is relieved.

Samar and Liz talk about the case. Ressler updates Harold. Harold calls Red and tells him that the girl's parents were arrested. He wants Red to do something with the 10 people they found in the truck. Red takes care of it. He's back in the smuggling business. And he reunites the girl with her parents after bribing officials. The girl is happy to see Dembe.

The bald guy is talking to Tom to try to get information about Red. Tom tells the guy that Red is his boss. The guy who was following the clinic girl was hired by Red. He tells Red that Tom was taken. Tom promises the guy he can get him Red.












The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Other than the fact that you sometimes have to kill people for a living, you're like my role model.

Aram [to Dembe]

For the first time in a very long time, you know, I feel happy.
