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The Corsican gets a call from a high powered person.

Aram is watching the protests on TV. 

Harold visits Red in jail and wants him to find a guy that might help him. He and Liz talk details.

Aram questions Samar about her illness and Samar doesn't want to talk about it but she does.

The team shows up to help Liz help Red.

Harold meets with presidential staff to talk to them about pardoning Red. Hannah from earlier is trying to persuade the president not to.

Red talks about his final meal. Cabbage soup and red herring.

Red takes a walk through the execution chamber.

Dembe is with the team and talks plans and everyone moves into position to rob the bank.

Aram drops the keys in the toilet and he tries to dry them and they get them back to the guy just in time.

Red is talking to Hannah and Harold via computer about a case.

Liz tells Ressler that there should be a witness at Red's execution.

The President is in on the conspiracy.

Feds move in on Krueger. Samar takes him down.

Krueger is being questioned about the assassination.

Red has his last meal with Liz and talks about his childhood and his mother. He gets emotional.

Ziegler is still in danger. Harold is trying to convince the president again.

Aram calls Samar to talk about her issues while she's in the field with Ressler protecting Ziegler who is barfing up bugs. WTF.

Red gets strapped in and prepped for the lethal injection with Dembe and Liz watching as Harold tries to work magic behind the scenes.








The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 11 Quotes

I'm the person who's going to make sure the President doesn't grant you clemency.


Do you two want to get a room, or rob a bank?
