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The head guy at ChiOne hit a bicyclist and hides the body in his car then is at a book signing. A guy shows up to tell him that the police know about what he did and he wants to help.

Red is back in court and he claims that he has mental issues and needs to be evaluated before the trial can begin. The judge agrees to give him a psychiatric evaluation and delays trial. In the meantime, he tells Liz everything and Liz tells Jennifer everything.

Elizabeth gives the task force a "fake" case for something she wants them to search to help her out. They are going to look for an "angel of death."  or Klepper.

The Ethicist tells the ChiOne guy he needs to close the Malaysian plant and he'll help him and prevent the witness from coming forward.

Aram finds the ethicist guy Amorella who still needs a new kidney and Ressler and Keen go after. Amorella meanwhile is visiting the witness who saw the accident. He kills the girl.

Red is in Missouri to be evaluated for his mental condition.

Ressler and Keen are at the hotel and learn about the girl.

Red is in a white suit now and goes to the mental hospital's common room and sits with a guy by the birdcage. He knows the guy. His name is Atticus. Red wants his help to find someone.

Unfortunately, Atticus is on a buttload of meds and won't be helping Red anytime soon.

Red comes up with a plan to switch the medicine with skittles for Atticus.

Ressler and Liz figure out that the ChiOne guy was involved in a hit and run.

Atticus is coming out of his medication fog and talks to him about the guy he's looking for.

Red is back in the psychiatrist's office being evaluated.

Liz learns abut the guy and calls Jennifer when Ressler walks in. 

Red tries to talk to Atticus but he goes crazy.

Liz tries to manipulate Ressler and convinces him so he goes on his own and she can go with Jennifer to the ethicist's location. Li arrives alone at Amorella's place.

Atticus is drugged up and Red doesn't have much time to get information from him. Red gets a name, General Shiro but Red isn't sure what that means and whether it's legit.

Ressler figures out what Liz is up to and Liz tries to talk herself out of it but he's not convinced. Yet, he doesn't do anything for her deceptiveness. He doesn't even tell Harold.

Red is back in court and the judge reads the findings of the doctor that Red is competent to stand trial.

Red has a cell phone and calls Dembe. He wants Dembe to find General Shiro.





The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Whatever I've done, I've done because I thought it was just. So do I really understand the proceedings against me? No, I don't.


He isn't crazy like a fox, but he is crazy.

District Attorney