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A guy is tied up S&M style when a woman comes down and gives him food. He's wearing a pig face.

A guy wakes up and asks a friend to pick him up. He's the governor.

Katarina is having breakfast with Agnes.She gets a call to meet with someone.

Liz goes to a campsite where Red is with Frank.

The team is discussing the governor's return and planning to investigate why he disappeared.

The governor is telling his story to a few people, including his wife.

Ressler and Liz are questioning him. He doesn't remember anything, he tells them.

Aram and Park talk while looking at the place where the governor was tied up.

Liz and Ressler report to Harold on their findings.

Red and Dembe are tracking someone.

Ressler and Liz go to the place where the governor was held. Hannah Hayes is pretending she's a landlord.

Katarina is at the park with Agnes meeting with her men.

She goes to the bathroom when a couple of Russian guys approach her, but there's another guy who helps her out. She's not faring too bad herself.

Agnes comes into the bathroom.

Red confronts the guy they were following.

This other guy says he gave birth to a boy.

Red tells the kid what he's going to do to get Katarina. Katarina reports to her associate.

The other kid with Katarina is being beat up by the Russian guys.

Meanwhile, Hannah is performing surgery on a guy.

Red has Katarina's phone number and he contacts her. Patrick is her son?

The FBI chases after Hannah and her story is revealed.

Skip tells Red Katarina is looking for Ilya Kozloff.

Kozloff is Frank!




The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 7 Quotes

I promise I'm not telling my mother.


She's always one step ahead of me, and I can't understand how.
