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Katarina is tell Red how much blood he's losing.

She also talks about people knowing about her and whether or not Red betrayed her.

The team is still hunting for Red.

Red talks to the nurse about his situation.

Katarina wants to know who's after her and what they know.

The nurse helps Red escape. Red calls Dembe. He tells him Katarina is going after Dom.

She makes a side stop to help Red survive before they get to Dom's. They arrive.

They tell Dom what's going on.

Katarina knows where Dom is and they're off.

Dembe talks to the nurse and thanks her for her help.

The team finds Katarina's hiding place.

Steinhil is killed.

The nurse decides she's going to help Red. She's a former soldier.

The team figures out Dom is involved and head over there. Katarina has already arrived but everyone is ready.

A Firefight ensues.

Dom is shot. They go and hide in a floor. Katarina finds them and wants them to come out, but the FBI arrives and they take off.

They take Dom to a place for surgery. The nurse performs surgery.

Liz starts asking questions of Red.

Turns out Steinhil isn't dead.

Katarina is renting the apartment next to Liz.


The Blacklist
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