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The task force is still trying to find the CIA analyst that is leaking classified secrets. The new blacklister is Captain Kidd, who hides treasure throughout a criminal transaction. Red says Saudi dissident Safiya Maroun is about to be kidnapped and brought to Kidd to hold. The task force arrives too late. Aram spends the night buying drugs on the dark web in hopes of finding Kidd's dealer. Rakitin spots Park tailing him and postpones his meeting with Red. Then he ditches her by cutting through a building. Ressler catches a man who's been stealing items stashed by Kidd. The drugs Ressler received were stolen out of evidence lockup. Rakitin wants Reddington to do something about Harold's interest in him. Raymond convinces him to stand down and to reassure Moscow. Ressler interviews Tyler Schwartz, the drug tech who handled those drugs. He says there's a network of techs selling evidence drugs. As soon as Kidd completes the deal for Safiya, he gets busted by the Task Force. Aram reports that Rakitin gave Park the slip right near Red's restaurant. Ressler interrogates Kidd for Safiya's location. Harold confronts Reddington about Rakitin. Raymond denies that he's a Russian spy and wants Harold to back off. He doesn't want Harold in the middle of his battle with Liz. Harold orders Ressler to make a deal with Kidd, in order to get to Liz through Townsend. Kidd details his operation to Ressler. He tells where Safiya was buried. The buyer gets there first and digs her up. He is supposed to kill her for his ruler. Safiya stabs one gunman with a piece of wood then shoots three others. Ressler arrives in time to save her. Kidd is taken by Townsend and the AUSA won't prosecute. Dembe suggests a truce with Harold to Red.

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 8 Episode 11 Quotes

Now stand back or this conversation won't remain nearly this civil.

Red [to Rakitin]

This guy Cooper, he's not standing down like you said he would. You have to do something about him.

Rakitin [to Red]