12 Ride or Die Couples We'll Support Forever

These couples have captured our heart, for better or worse. Which is your favorite small screen pairing?

15 Shows That Keep ... Getting ... Snubbed

These 15 shows deserve some awards love, don't you think? Welcome to our list of the perennially snubbed.

11 Shows Guaranteed to Break Your Funny Bone

We've all heard of shows so funny you cry, but what about the ones that make you laugh until you wet yourself? That's what we're aiming for from 2016. Take a look!

Shameless Quotes

Everytime she pees on the stick it's bad news and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom cause we selfishly wanna have a baby with some of our DNA.


Gus: See you at two.
Fiona: Wouldn't miss it.