Life-Changing Events to Come on 90210 Season Finale

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Based on last night's episode of 90210, it's easy to guess at least one significant event on next week's season finale:

Adrianna will give birth.

Adrianna and her Baby

According to TV Guide, a trio of character are also involved in major developments that the publication describs as life-changing. Here are a few hints:

  • Annie flips out (you were right, Liam!) and does a few uncharacteristic things;
  • Ethan makes a declaration;
  • Liam makes a mistake.

Remember: according to various 90210 spoilers, someone might die on the episode, as well. Any guesses on who it could be?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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