Shameless Review: "Nana Gallagher Had an Affair"

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Monica is still around and contending with Frank for the title of worst Gallagher parent. It's no wonder Frank thinks they're soul mates. It's a constant competition of who's a bigger loser!

However, in this week's Shameless, Eddie got to throw his hat into the ring when he called his daughter a whore. It amazes me that any of their children has turned out remotely normal.

Frank in Custody

Elsewhere, The fight for Liam continued and Monica's insistence on wanting to start her own family with Bob was downright insulting. Hey, Monica, why don't you just shit all over the rest of your kids and make them feel irrelevant? Oh, wait, you already did when you walked out on them. Monica is as dumb as Bob is rude. Fiona has brushed Bob off for the most part since her real beef is with Monica, but Lip isn't so quick to overlook his mother's brash new partner. From their fight in the kitchen, to Lip's paternity test stunt at dinner, he is truly the MVP of this show.

Monica and Bob hit a disappointing note when they discovered that Frank is actually Liam's biological father. In a deranged rationalization by Frank, it seems that Nana Gallagher once had an affair with a black saxophone player and, thus, two generations later, one of the Gallagher children is partially black.

I'm not a doctor, but this whole thing sounds a bit off. Then, we then find out that Ian's real father is NOT Frank, but actually one of Frank's brothers. On close inspection, Debbie and Ian look a lot alike, so perhaps all of the Gallaghers need to take a little field trip down to the paternity clinic.

Speaking of paternal figures, why did Eddie want to go to the purity ball with Karen so badly when he knew she truly didn't intend to take a purity pledge? As things go wildly off course, we discover that Karen actually acts like a hateful slut for a reason. Karen always just wanted Eddie to love her and she didn't understand why he didn't.

I didn't really hate Eddie all that much until this week when he screamed at his daughter that she was a whore. Yes, Karen is quite promiscuous but he knew that all along and humiliated her anyway. I'm glad Sheila kicked his ass to the curb. Mostly importantly, I'm so darn proud of Sheila for leaving the house!!!! Agoraphobia be damned!

I love the relationship between Karen and Sheila. It doesn't matter that Karen is a nymphomaniac and Sheila is a nutcase, the love between a mother and daughter is what truly showed. That's the kind of parent the Gallagher kids need. Someone who will go to bat for them. Luckily, they are able to find this camaraderie in their bond as siblings.

Elsewhere in "Nana Gallagher Had an Affair," Tony the cop is back. He is such a stage five clinger with Fiona. Not only has he been in love with her forever, but she swiped his V card. Everyone's first leaves some sort of impact. Pulling over Steve was a bit outrageous, yet all the more ironic because Tony didn't even realize that Steve had actually been breaking the law. By the way, what ever happened to Mormon Ethel?

A special birthday shout-out this week to the brilliant William H. Macy, best known to all of us here as Mr. Frank Gallagher!

Nana Gallagher Had an Affair Review

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Shameless Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

You wish you had a dick as big as mine!

Bob [to Frank]

Bob: Do we have a problem, PHILIP?
Lip: I don't know, BOB, let's see. You're camped out at my house, you're fucking my mother, and you're talking about stealing my baby brother. Why would we have a problem?