Terra Nova Review: A Family is Five

Terra Nova Review: A Family is Five

In the series premiere of Terra Nova, the world as we knew it was coming to an end. Luckily 85 million years in the past was only a step away. Read all about it in the review!
Posted in: Terra Nova
Castle Review: Nerds, Rejoice!

Castle Review: Nerds, Rejoice!

Who is the real Lone Vengeance? Is he/she a superhero or just a murderer? Find out who entertained our detective and writer team in our Castle review now!
Posted in: Castle
How I Met Your Mother Review: "Ducky Tie"

How I Met Your Mother Review: "Ducky Tie"

Over dinner Ted recounts his night with Victoria, while a surly Stinson pushes Marshall to write a check Lily's body can't cash. Or can she? Find out the answer and more in this week's How I Met Your Mother review.
Posted in: HIMYM