Fairly Legal Review: A Basket Full of Crazy

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"Shattered" picked up just a few days after last week's Fairly Legal delivered a heart breaking ending and it looked like Ben was still scrambling.

The poor guy was begging Leo to keep his mouth shut about his futile attempt to track down Kate when she never showed for their date. Leave it to Leo to have some fun with it in this Fairly Legal quote...

Is this a mind wipe? Is this where I forget that Kate stood you up for dinner and you showed up to my place looking all crazy eyed and desperate? | permalink

In the mean time, Kate couldn't figure out why Ben would even care. She still saw him as an arrogant playboy and I almost couldn't blame her. That was how Ben sold himself to her when they first met. Yes, there's been signs that it's all an act but what should Kate believe? What she's observed or what Ben has told her about himself?

Kate Worries

Ben's history with women is lousy. That he slept with Beth made me think less of him but it was definitely funny how much she scared him.  She wasn't just crazy, she had a mean streak. 

Which led us to the case of the eco-terrorist. Ugh. This story bothered me. 

First, Kate seemed so blase about having this woman turn herself in. Was it right for her to run in the first place? Absolutely not but now she had two kids who were going to spend years without their mother. Yes, losing her for three years was better than losing her for twenty but it's not like she's going away for a couple of weeks. Three years for a kid is huge.

I thought it was silly when they almost got caught at the motel and Kate and Ben encouraged them to run.  With the police that close on their tail, how could they get to their kids, grab enough cash, and come up with a plan to leave town so fast. Unless they already had a plan in place I don't see how they could possibly pull it off.

To be honest I couldn't make much sense of the paper Justin had passed to Kate other than it had angel wings. However, I did love the sentiment behind those angel wings...

 Courage is an angel that makes the difference between a good life and a great life. | permalink

I'm still not quite sure how Justin managed to close that deal and schedule a major press conference under the radar of his boss.  If he thought Davidson hated him before, well now the gloves are off.  Add to it that the D.A. won't have any qualms about playing dirty or using Kate to do it and things could get nasty before the season is over.

And that brings us back to Kate's love triangle.  I don't think she realized that Ben might have real feelings for her until Leo opened her eyes.  I believe she thought it was nothing more than lust between them but from the looks of things, Ben's feelings for her run deeper than that. As Leo said, Kate's different.

Unfortunately, Ben was forced to watch Kate walk away holding hands with her ex.  What's her plan there?  Sleeping with Justin was a spur of the moment decision based on fear about moving forward with someone else.  Certainly not the best foundation for a reconciliation. 

Justin wants more.  Ben wants more. What does Kate want?  I don't think she even knows. Despite their flaws these are two handsome, good-hearted men who both care about her.  For all of their sakes I hope Kate figures out what she wants soon.

Shattered Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (53 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Fairly Legal Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Kate: What ends badly?
Leo: Potentially all of this.

Is this a mind wipe? Is this where I forget that Kate stood you up for dinner and you showed up to my place looking all crazy eyed and desperate?
