Franklin & Bash Review: For the Love of Jared

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When I watched the Franklin & Bash Season 1 premiere, I remember thinking that Jared Franklin was kind of an arrogant jerk. My how things have changed.

A few weeks ago I noticed the chemistry between Jared and summer intern Bonnie in a way that made me hope for her return. But during "Waiting On a Friend" Bonnie was almost forgotten, as Jared had serious sparks with Emily.

Will Jared Find Love?

Apparently everyone was feeling the love with Jared Franklin... and how could you not? In this one episode Jared did all of the following…

  • Shared his hidden stash of Double Stuffed Oreos.
  • Told Emily that her belief that Sixteen Candles was better than The Breakfast Club was objectively wrong.
  • Caught Pindar's The Empire Strikes Back quote.
  • Wanted to celebrate their win with ice cream.

Any one of the above would make me smile, but add them all together and I think I'm smitten.

Somehow it got better. We found out that back when they first started out in court, it was Jared who had the crazy plans and didn't care about being thrown in jail for contempt if it helped his client. Peter was actually a bit of a wimp about it, but perhaps the kangaroo costume wasn't helping him sell his manliness.

And the flashbacks to their childhood could have been lame but were saved by the fact that Jared was the tall skinny kid when they met and Peter was the short guy. Oh, yes, how things can change.

As for the case, the fact that their entire defense rested on finding someone who had seen Tammy's boob was typical of Franklin & Bash. It was frat boy silliness that they managed to wrap up in enough legal precedent to make me laugh.

Richard Taflinger was a great quiet villain. Guest star David Costabile brought a lot of the same quiet intensity he brings to his role of Daniel on Suits.  As Carmen pointed out, Richard was out to bring the boys down while making it appear that he was only making friendly observations.

But my favorite moment was what Jared told Peter, Carmen, and Pindi in this Franklin & Bash quote:

As long as we are on this road together, we'll be alright. | permalink

This show is all heart. That's what makes it so consistently entertaining and why I look forward to more.

Waiting On a Friend Review

Editor Rating: 4.6 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (22 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Franklin & Bash Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Emily: The two of you are being accused of misconduct.
Peter: We win most of our cases through misconduct.

We fight. We don't run.
