Modern Family Review: Let's Get Phil-sical!

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In the latest episode of Modern Family, I found out something that made me love Phil Dunphy even more than I already do. That's, right guys, in "When a Tree Falls" we found out that Phil once pulled a Lloyd Dobler.

As a massive Say Anything fan, I can fully appreciate Phil's attempt to woo Claire back in the day by using the boom box-over-the head move. Even if he substituted an Olivia Newton John pop song for Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes," I still give credit where credit it's due.

That said, Jay Pritchett you owe that man a boom box!

How Far Will Cam Go?

Well... you know what? I'm gonna say they called it even after Phil aggressively punched the crap out of Jay during their oversized glove boxing match. I also found that to be totally unbelievable. It was a sucker punch. Jay could kick Phil's ass at any age, let's get real here.

Jay is an alpha male and he would do well to remember that for the next time he gets insecure because he's the oldest dad at the party. Own it! Just like Manny should own his style. 

For God's sake, change out of those wingtips. You're a kid, not Nixon on the beach! | permalink

Don't feel bad, Manny, I have like one pair of sneakers myself. We all express ourselves in different ways, my friend. I wouldn't have wanted to play smash frisbee either. It seemed like a whole lot more fun hearing Jay and Phil tell stories.

However, nothing would've beat watching Gloria fake her water breaking to get Claire out of Costco jail. And all over one measly sweatshirt Claire obviously didn't mean to take? C'mon Costco, what a power trip! I wonder if it worked with the cop? Who here hasn't made up some excuse to get out of a speeding ticket? Good thing Claire didn't really end up getting arrested because not everyone looks as cute in their mugshot as Haley did.

Unfortunately for Alex, one sister is always the flawless one and some people are just more easily embarrassed than others. I totally feel Alex on that one. Then there is the combination of embarrassing and awesome, like Cam falling out of the tree!

Did this episode remind anyone else of the Saved By The Bell when the gang chained themselves to the oil rig? "Stop the drilling, stop the oil!" I love when Cam and Mitchell work together and aren't bickering. Even Lily had a few funny lines tonight. They saved Treona Helmsley! 

What did you all think of the latest episode of Modern Family?

When a Tree Falls Review

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Modern Family Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

I have two brains in my body but I've never felt so dumb.


For God's sake change out of those wingtips. You're a kid, not Nixon on the beach!

Jay [to Manny]