Parks and Recreation Review: Pedicures on Top of Pedicures

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All I have to say is that this better not be the end.

"Are You Better Off?" left viewers with some serious cliffhangers. April and Andy are going to have to spend time apart because she is going to veterinary school, Ron's girlfriend is pregnant... and Leslie is being recalled!

I feel terrible for Leslie. How frustrating and disheartening for someone like Leslie, whose first concern is always Pawnee and its citizens, to find out she is unwanted in her town in a position of power. Granted, everyone in Pawnee is utterly misguided and insane, but to Leslie, it's home. I look forward to seeing her take on her own constituents in another season, which we'll have to cross our fingers for.

As for Chris and Ann, well, good for them! Predictable, but good for them! I can actually see them happily together in the long term. Ann needs someone with the enthusiasm of Leslie and the positivity that balances out Ann's cynical side.

Leslie's Anniversary

As for the pregnancy, I was actually surprised. I was putting my money on Leslie the whole time. I just figured she was lying in the middle of the town meeting and would tell Ben later.

But Ron as a father? Take how he handles a banana and apply that to how he might be a father. I would imagine him bringing a crib into his wood working studio. I could also imagine him building a crib, a mobile and anything else that family might need out of wood. Wooden buggy, anyone?

Oh, and poor Tom. I hope that if Parks and Recreation does come back next year, they make the owner of the new store across the street a woman and give Tom a love interest. Someone who really complements him. Or just make it Diddy. And we'll all be happy.

And three cheers for April who deserves everything she's ever wanted. I would like to see her in veterinary school, forced to work with other students and hanging out with cute animals all the time. And I'd love to see Andy sitting in on a class with her and asking hilariously dumb questions to professors.

Cross your fingers, guys. I know I'm better off this year for having gotten into the show Parks and Recreation. Let's hope NBC makes a smart move and renews it for a season 6!

Are You Better Off? Review

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Parks and Recreation Season 5 Episode 22 Quotes

I'm boreddddd. Let's go have sex in a tree. He'll be back in 8 minutes.

Mona Lisa

I like the rain and the fish markets.
