Nashville Review: Co-Dependent Relationships

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It could all go away.

That's what country superstar turned PR disaster Juliette Barnes thought as her world continued to fall apart around her.

The fallout from Juliette breaking up America's favorite couple and screaming "There is no God" only grew worse on Nashville Season 2 Episode 12.

I would say that Juliette has reached a real low. Then again, if you got that kind of lashing from your boss wouldn't you be hiding under the covers or in the bottle? Thank goodness she only puked and didn't pull a Jolene!

We all know through Rayna's dealings with Jeff that he is a snake. (By the way there are a lot of harsher words I'd prefer to use.) He is stubborn, blunt and rude. But - my goodness - he also just might be lacking a conscience. He has a lot of balls to march into Juliette's house and gut her like that.

Do you think you’re talented? Do you think you deserve this house? Cause I think you’re just visiting. That you’re just trailer trash, hiding under a pile of sequins. You should thank God for your good fortune, not deny he exists.

Jeff [to Juliette]

Does Jeff realize how much money she makes him? Sure, right now they are in the middle of a huge scandal, but to speak to your main artist like that when what she said was taken out of context in the first place? Jeff must be snorting cocaine in the office The Wolf of Wall Street style to think that was acceptable.

It goes without saying that Juliette made a huge mistake. Even though what she said was taken out of context, she should not have engaged with an angry crowd. She also should not have slept with a married man, famous or not. Juliette is impulsive and hot-headed, we know this. But I have never felt so bad for her (except when she found her mother overdosed) than after that moment in her house.

First of all, who the hell handles Edgehill's PR department? Because whoever you are, YOU'RE FIRED. Judging by this awesome tweet from Scandal's twitter handle, Olivia Pope has got this handled y'all. Layla giving one press conference announcing the truth was a mere start as far as handling things.

I'm just scared as to how Juliette would be faring if it weren't for Avery. And that's where we get into talking about co-dependent relationships.

Let's be real. It applies to more than one duo on this show. Avery has been a total savior for Juliette and frankly I agreed during Nashville Season 2 Episode 11 when Scarlett said they were like a pair of old slippers. Avery and Scarlett don't belong together, but maybe he and Juliette do?

As for the other co-dependent relationship? Rayna and Deacon were the main target for Scarlett's scathing little comment in the bathroom.

Scarlett: You might have weird co-dependent relationships with you ex-boyfriends but I do not.
Rayna: What are you talking about?
Scarlett: Deacon. If you say jump he will always ask "how high?"!

I mean, sure, I'm evil on no sleep so I get it, but I'm also not in show business. That's the life, sweetie. Gunnar did like five huge things in one episode, including co-writing with Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts and you don't see him crumbling to the ground.

By the way Scarlett, if you ever speak to Tami Taylor that way again you and I are going to have to have a little chat and you're not going to like it, do you feel me?

Regardless of how it was realized, Rayna and Deacon do have an old habit of falling back into a place of comfort together. But then again, there's also a reason for that which is hard to ignore. I'm just glad they realized that despite one good song, collaborating again soon would not be a good idea.

Teddy was a bit back burner tonight, so it was hard to get focused on his storyline. Also, it is completely unsurprising that Lamar is the one who put the hit out on him. C'mon, who didn't see that coming?

So which camp do you fall into? Are you glad that Rayna and Luke are going public? Or do you want to see Rayna and Deacon continue to make beautiful music together?

Just For What I Am Review

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Nashville Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

In order to get a good deal, you gotta be a big deal. Or ya know, bring some kind of heat to the table.


For better or for worse, you and I have written a lot of hits together.

Rayna [to Deacon]

Nashville Season 2 Episode 12 Music

  Song Artist
Here I Go Again Craig Jackson Band iTunes
A Feather's Not A Bird Rosanne Cash iTunes
Song Home Breaks Co-op