Dallas Review: A Bug in the Bourbon

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Bobby was right: J.R. would have definitely appreciated putting a bug in the cork of his specialty bourbon in order to blackmail the governor. 

Dallas Season 3 Episode 5 had lots of relationships in flux but the mothers turned out to be the most entertaining. 

Let's start with...

Stopping John Ross

Sue Ellen and John Ross - As much as I love John Ross, Sue Ellen was correct when she called him reckless and stupid. He even bought his mistress a present while on his honeymoon!

It seems that he's trying very hard to live up to his father's reputation and there is no doubt it's going to come back to bite him. Between cheating on his wife, manipulating Emma and going head to head with Bobby, it's only a matter of time before he has to deal with the consequences.

In some ways, he already is. When Sue Ellen warned him about sleeping with Emma, he scoffed at her called her a drunk. Can he really be all that surprised that she fought back?

Unfortunately, this once powerful mother and son team are now farther apart than ever.

Hey Mama. If you're going to betray me you do it to my face. Don't stab me in the back.

John Ross

This feud is far from over.

Ann and Emma - When Ann tried to call her daughter out on her behavior, Emma lit into her like a spoiled 15-year old throwing a tantrum. 

It's unfortunate that Emma is so damaged. She really believes that John Ross cares about her and when reality finally hits, it won't be pretty for anyone. I have little doubt that Pamela will get caught in that crossfire. 

I was proud of Ann. Even though she took Emma back, she didn't buy into her story. At least she knows what a liar her own daughter is. 

The strange part was Harris Ryland's reaction. Talk about a turn around. The man stole their child and let Ann think she'd let her be abducted for years. Then he did everything in his power to torture Ann and turn Emma against her and suddenly he's telling her that she's the better parent? 

Perhaps the breakdown of the relationship with his mother and the constant danger of working with a cartel have changed him, but I'm still not sure I trust Harris and his sudden bout of forgiveness.

Judith/Harris/Emma - Judith had some of the best Dallas quotes of the episode and I loved the pounding of her cane as it foretold her arrival home. Her son was less than happy to see her.

Harris: 3am. The witching hour.
Judith: I would turn you in to a newt if I could.

Judith's conversation with her granddaughter was blunt, to say the least. Judith is unapologetic about everything, her whore house included, as she told Emma never to let a man screw her for free.  Judith sees right through Emma's facade of control.

John Ross degrades you. If you think that's love then you are a worthless creature.


She's yet another person who can't wait to take John Ross down and Candace clearly isn't working fast enough.

How hard is it to get the Ewing boy to drop his pants?


Of course it doesn't help when John Ross slams the door in his secretary's face.

A few other moments worth mentioning…

  • It appears that Cliff doesn't trust Nicolas completely.
  • John Ross really needs to take that sticky note with the xoxo out of that file!
  • Christopher and Heather were kind of boring, no matter what the drama with her ex and her kid.

Now it's your turn, TV Fanatics. Who do you think will out John Ross' affair with Emma?

D.T.R. Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Dallas Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Good blackmail never sours.

Sue Ellen

Pamela: What are you looking at?
John Ross: The world. You ready to go rule it?