Orphan Black Review: Miracle or Two

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At first, I thought we got answers to many outstanding questions, but have any been entirely answered? Not really.

Instead Orphan Black Season 2 Episode 4 provided much enlightenment about what's going on with the clones, LEDA, and even Dyad Institute. 

Cosima and Felix

Is Cal the perfect man?

Sorry, Hot Paul, but you can stay at Dyad with Rachel. Cal has to be too good to be true, right? He's gorgeous, sexy, rich, intelligent, kind and Sarah's savior. The car crash at the end of Orphan Black Season 2 Episode 3 wasn't just a random event or the Proletheans, it was Cal.

Even though Sarah swindled $10,000 from him, he's been by her side without question since the trouble began. I'm a little suspicious about his motives, but maybe he really is just the perfect man. He never doubted Kira's paternity and has protected that little girl as if he was there from the start.

The only time he demanded answers was after his friend was killed by Daniel. He's taken it all in stride and even when Sarah's gotten distressed, he's remained calm. Now that he knows the company after Sarah is Dyad Institute, will he figure out what's going on? Given his look after she mentioned the company name, he may already be familiar with them.


Sarah went back to Mrs S's house to uncover more information about LEDA. It was convenient that she found the folder of information without trouble. Could someone have planted it there? Mrs S. doesn't seem to be knowledgeable about everything that was in the folder, but maybe she's just holding back. Maybe the person who came out of Mrs. S's basement after Sarah and Felix left planted it for them to find. Helena mentioned she tracked Sarah from the house, but I don't think it was her in the basement.

The two scientists in the photo were matched to a newspaper clipping about six scientist who died in a fire. They were Susan and Ethan Duncan, Rachel's adoptive parents. Cosima posited that the scientists raised her aware of her biology and without emotional attachments, which explained her rigid demeanor.

Sarah wasn't sure after seeing video of Rachel with her parents and finding men's clothes in her apartment. Rachel became a whole lot more intriguing after these reveals. Daniel's connection to Rachel also explained his interest in how much Sarah found out about LEDA. Did he ask because he wanted to protect Rachel or because Rachel wants answers herself.

Everlasting Helena

How many lives does Helena have? Perhaps she got the immortal genes from LEDA. She was brought into the Prolethean family even though she didn't want to be there and neither did some of the family. Gracie tried to smother Helena with a pillow and at first it looked like it worked, but Helena's smart.

She played dead and then attacked Gracie, but didn't kill the young girl. Helena took the opportunity to escape. She came across the room where a fertilization procedure was done. The marriage ceremony between Henrick and Helena makes little sense now. I assumed that was to make their bond official, so they could consummate the marriage.

After remembering what happened to her, she ran and she ran and ran and ran. Art was outside the compound taking photographs when Helena ran right by him. He looked shocked to see her, but didn't stop her. Instead, he slowed down the Proletheans. Helena left her new "family" in search of her real family.

Hot Mrs. S

Mrs. S has always been presented as a very clean cut maternal figure, but she's so much more. She was part of a militant type group, took in illegal children, and had a hot romance with the child trafficker. I would never have expected that from her in season 1. Sexy mamma!

She tracked down Carlton for help. He went from ready to kill her to banging her in the hallway pretty quick. How much does Mrs S know? She appeared genuinely concerned that Sarah was going to find out too much information. Regardless, I still don't trust Mrs. S. Her allegiances are definitely questionable at this point.

Alison's Confined Freedom

After falling off the stage during the musical, Alison ended up in rehab. She wanted out, but Felix convinced her that it would be good for her to clean up her act. Even though, she'll be confined during treatment, it will be freedom for her in a sense. She'll be away from Donnie and the Dyad Institute. Despite the loss of her monitor, she continued to be tracked throughout her treatment even when she peed. Poor Alison. 

The biggest question about Alison from the hour is: Is Alison pregnant? She could have been throwing up because of the drugs, alcohol, and detoxing, but.... Plus, the nurse asked if she was on the pill and she said no. She thought she was infertile, but maybe she isn't. 

Until she was with Aynsley's husband, she hadn't slept with anyone else. Donnie could be infertile or he could have been doing something to prevent a pregnancy as her monitor. The way Alison's scenes were written this episode certainly led me to wonder if she was pregnant whether that was the intention or not.

Clone Reunion

In a scene to go down in television history, Helena and Sarah were reunited. Those few moments were brilliant all around from the writing, direction, acting and on. Daniel was frustrated with Sarah and cut behind her ear (why there?), but was interrupted when someone else showed up at Rachel's apartment.

I loved how the attack on Daniel was shown through Sarah's reaction to the noises she heard. She was tied up and the attacker could have been a friend or foe. When Daniel fell dying in front of the bathroom doorway, her life was about to get much better or worse. 

It was Helena, her twin, who she shot and thought was dead. The sight of Helena in a bloodied wedding dress holding a knife was iconic. And that image was only surpassed when Helena went up to Sarah and hugged her. Wow. A terrified Sarah didn't have to fear her twin. They are family after all.

That scene was even more impressive when you remember that Tatiana Maslany was playing both Helena and Sarah. This was a reminder that Maslany deserves all the critical acclaim she's gotten and all the acting awards she hasn't yet. Just brilliant.

Helena wasn't broken by the Proletheans, but she knows that they took something from her. She needed her sestra more than ever to help her. She's fertile and has a child on the way if all goes without a problem.

"It’s a miracle. We were meant to be together. Always. Sestra. I need your help. I was married. I think he took something from inside of me." - Helena

"Just when the night is darkest, he shines a light. And a new life begins" - Henrick.

Is Alison pregnant?

Governed as It Were by Chance Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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Orphan Black Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Cal: You must have really gotten under their skin.
Sarah: They sort of got under mine first.

It’s a miracle. We were meant to be together. Always. Sestra. I need your help. I was married. I think he took something from inside of me.
