Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Heartless

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Yup the love triangle thing was front and center on Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 8, which is terribly disappointing. It's such an overused plot device; I expected much more from the show's writers.

The succubus' true form gave us yet another creepy monster; definitely no Bo from Lost Girl. The one thing you can say about Sleepy Hollow is they sure do a great job with their creature design.

I was glad to see Katrina actually contribute to this week's adventure. Unfortunately she went right back to damsel in distress at the end.

The reality TV bit was a silly moment, but it did manage to touch upon Ichabod's distrust of Katrina. No matter how you slice it or dice it the woman can't be trusted. Hopefully, Ichabod won't let love continue to blind him.

Like Ichabod, I want to believe in Katrina but she is a constant disappointment. Honestly, killing her off might be the right move this season. Would you miss her?

Katrina: Ichabod you said that the secrets I've kept from you are bygones, but I know trust can be hard to rebuild once it's broken.
Ichabod: In truth, it pained me to think you were not who I knew.
Katrina: Who I was never changed. The things that I kept from you were things that I had done.
Ichabod: As a witch, as a spy.
Katrina: Roles I undertook during the war.
Ichabod: Nevertheless they are part of who you are and secrecy is a hard habit to break.

Enter Henry Parrish and his nasty beating heart! This is why I tune in to Sleepy Hollow, not to see who's hookin' up with who. Leave that for so-called "reality TV" Sleepy writers.

There were a ton of clichés this week. Including the succubus hunting for her prey at a night club. Still, I thought Caroline Ford did fine job. She was fun to watch and without a doubt seductive. I liked the way the character adapted her "look" making her more desirable to her victims. The blood red succubus vision was a cool effect as well.

Abbie: This is supernatural. I'm putting my money on Henry being behind it.
Ichabod: A wager I would not bet against.

Although I understand Ichabod talking about faith and giving Henry a chance, Abbie is 100% correct. How can he even look at the corpse of that poor young geek kid and justify Henry's actions? It defies logic and that's frustrating me a bit this season.

Yes, we all figured Moloch's essence was in that jar at the end of Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 7. I thought the succubus sharing the life force of her victims was a nice way to tie her into the episode. Of course the horrid King needed much more sustenance, so off to hunt our succubus goes. Go find Hawley I thought to myself. Are you diggin' Hawley or have you had enough?

As I mentioned at the top, Katrina contributed more to the investigation this week than ever before. The fact she recognized the "life force" marks and pointed the team toward a succubus was brilliant. Kat even helped track the creature's mystical energy on a map. Now that's what I'm talkin' about, powerful witch and all that. This is the Katrina I wish we saw more often.

Then she goes and mentions how Abraham brought her a specific tea... ugh why Kat, why? It's hard to like Katrina.

Let's not leave Hawley out though. Before moving forward our Scooby gang just had to consult the "expert." I'm still not sure what makes this guy an expert when he's seeing these creatures for the first time. He wasn't even able to help Abbie; he's total waste of time.

Abbie: Hawley was a dead end.
Ichabod: Not surprising. After all, Mr. Hawley's allegiance seems only to be to himself.

I will admit hearing Ichabod say "he was macking on a lady" was a trip. Who says you can't learn anything from reality TV? Ha!

I guess Hawley was good for something after all, since he indirectly helped our heroes figure out who the killer was.

A succubus. It's a creature that seduces its victims and then feeds off of its life force.


Our sexy succubus targeted Hawley and part of me was hoping she'd do him in. That would have been one way to stop the ridiculous love triangle before it started. However, the other part really enjoyed the animosity between Crane and Hawley. Leave the sisters alone Hawley and we're all good; you can stick around.

I'm glad Abbie and Ichabod mentioned no rhyme or reason for the creatures Henry's released. Is there a pattern we're missing? I'm hoping things start coming together soon, as everything seems so random right now.

Conveniently, Kat had a vision of Henry and the succubus feeding the life force to baby Moloch. Guess the game is up, our heroes now know the truth.

Katrina: The succubus, she's not feeding herself. The energy she's collecting she's using it to nurture this creature.
Ichabod: What creature?
Katrina: The creature that was inside of me.
Abbie: Moloch.

I felt Abbie's frustration when Kat started talking about her son being under Moloch's sway. Seriously? Both arguments were valid, but I can't help side with Abbie. The guy's a villain, pure and simple. Plus I'm not sure I want him redeemed, Noble is a great bad guy here.

In the end Abbie and Kat went looking for the heart, while Icky and Hawley sought out the succubus. Those team-ups were perfect. I guess I'm just anti-love triangles. Keep Hawley away from Abbie at all costs.

Miraculously Abbie managed to complete the incantation while Ichabod and Hawley finished the creature off. I thought that was a real shame; it would have been great to see the succubus again at some point.

Everything I said about Kat above... scratch it. Just when she started making herself useful, Kat headed right back to Headless, Henry and baby Moloch. We're right back where we started. That's right, I'm officially over Katrina and her storyline.

So, what did you think of "Heartless"? Was the Incordata a cool villain? Will Kat care for Moloch since he appears as a normal baby? You're up guys, hit the comments below and share your thoughts with me. Look for our Sleepy Hollow round table later this week.

Don't forget you can watch Sleepy Hollow online via TV Fanatic if you want to re-watch an episode or happen to have missed one.

Heartless Review

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Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Abbie: This is supernatural. I'm putting my money on Henry being behind it.
Ichabod: A wager I would not bet against.

Katrina: Ichabod you said that the secrets I've kept from you are bygones, but I know trust can be hard to rebuild once it's broken.
Ichabod: In truth, it pained me to think you were not who I knew.
Katrina: Who I was never changed. The things that I kept from you were things that I had done.
Ichabod: As a witch, as a spy.
Katrina: Roles I undertook during the war.
Ichabod: Nevertheless they are part of who you are and secrecy is a hard habit to break.