Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10 Review: Santa Bites

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Well guys, are we still breathing after Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10? The fall finale delivered not only one, but two huge cliffhangers that are sure to leave fans on the edge of their seats until the show returns in January.

Surprisingly, even though there were two cliffhangers, neither involved Dawsey’s fate. Nope. Unfortunately, their fate for the immediate future looks sealed and I’m afraid it’s not pretty.

While I have no doubt that these two will end up together, they have some major issues to deal with before they can return to their happy place. 

Casey got things off to a bad start when he went and did the exact thing I didn’t want him to do: shut down and not talk with Dawson. This is where they’ve ran into trouble in the past, and I was hoping he would’ve learned from those past mistakes that they need to talk things out. 

He’s right, the blame is not all on him as Dawson did sign up to work for him. It’s on both of them to make this work. As much as Casey would like to say it was her decision, it’s actually one they made as a couple, and one they need to work on as a couple.

If only things were as easy as Brett made them seem in her “girl talk” moment with Dawson. It was a moment I quite enjoyed and hope we see similar ones in the future. Dawson needed a sympathetic ear that would listen, and as much as I love the guys around the house, that’s not going to happen with any of them. While I think in the end Brett is right, and a year from now Dawsey will be fine, they definitely aren’t in the near term.

Casey meanwhile had some time of his own with Severide. It was disappointing he seemed to learn nothing from Kelly’s recent downward spiral and decided he could drink away his problems. While this moment between guys was great and it’s something we’ve been missing as of late, Severide should’ve known this wasn’t the best course of action for his friend.

That’s why it came as no surprise when things blew up in Casey’s face when Chloe showed up at the station with his phone. That led to a huge fight that’s been brewing just under the surface for a while now with Dawsey.

It’s also a fight leaving me questioning who is right. I think the real issue is they both are in the wrong and will need to realize it to move forward. There have been moments when Dawson disrespected Casey’s position of authority at work, but he can’t continue to shut down and refuse to open up. Both of them need to realize this or it’s going to be a long back half of the season for these two.

Casey wasn’t the only one being stubborn though, as Boden disagreed over Donna’s wishes to give their baby two last names. Bodens may have always been Bodens, but some times, Captain, change can be a good thing.

It clearly meant something to Donna, and I was a little disappointed she caved in the end and went with Terrance Boden. After all, Otis was right, it’s not just Boden who will be the baby’s parent, it’s him AND Donna. Regardless, welcome to the world little Terrance Boden! Let’s hope everything turns out for the best for this new family of three.

Terrance Boden. Some traditions are worth keeping.


Elsewhere, the fate of Mills and Brett hangs in the balance. I was with Boden right from the start; completely skeptical of Lullo’s apology to Mills. Mills shouldn’t have been so trusting and it was obvious that it’d come back to bite him later on.

It was frustrating to watch the team mention the fact Mills and Brett were not back from their call, yet continually fail to do anything about it. Let’s just hope when they did finally look into things it wasn’t already too late, because I really enjoy watching the team of Brett and Mills.

Finally, at least things weren’t ALL bad on this midseason finale. Leave it to the Molly’s II gang to put a smile on all of our faces. Despite the fact that Cruz and Brett cooked up the perfect signature treat for their debut (I mean even Pouch approved) things at a holiday festival went horribly awry as the truck ran over a manger.

It was a hilariously embarrassing scene for the guys, but in the end it worked out for the best as they donated the truck to the Chaplain’s soup kitchen. All's well that ends well, right guys?

Herrmann: Never in all my life have I been THAT humiliated.
Mouch: I beg to differ.
Otis: Yea me too.

Burning issues of note:

  • Severide seemed to be back to his drinking and partying ways, but there’s still no one else I’d rather have at the scene than him. He was smart enough to figure out the husband’s involvement and saved the day with his ladder work!
  • Can someone please tell me just what exactly IS Capp’s side job? I’ll need more info on that in the future please.
  • I personally HATE fruit mixed with meat, so Boden and Connie are right: Ham and pear gravy sounds downright awful!

Is this the end for Dawsey, at least for now? Whose side are you on: Dawson or Casey? Will Boden’s son survive? What do you think happened to Mills and Brett? Think it all over while you watch Chicago Fire online any time via TV Fanatic.

Santa Bites Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (40 Votes)

Bridget Liszewski is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Casey: Maybe this whole thing is too big for us. I’m trying to be a Lieutenant and your fiance and you can’t respect either one.
Dawson: Request permission to leave shift, Lieutenant.
Casey: Granted candidate.

Boden: You ever been invited to a friend’s place for Thanksgiving, sat down for a big, beautiful once a year meal, got excited about a perfectly cooked turkey, and then they served up a ham.
Connie: A ham?
Boden: Instead of the turkey.
Connie: No I got that part, but …
Boden: See? Tradition is important, is it not?
Connie: I suppose it is.
Boden: Thank you Connie. Woman that understands. I mean, who knows if the pilgrims ate turkey at the first Thanksgiving? Maybe they had nothing but hams, lined up for miles, But me, turkey is the traditional Thanksgiving food. And Gravy. Brown. Makde from the difference of a turkey, not some fancy foo-foo stuff made from pears, and sun dried tomatoes.
Connie: I do like a good gravy.
Boden: You better stand up for tradition Connie, or what else do we have?
Connie: Ham and pear gravy.
Boden: Thank you Connie.