Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 3 Review: I Lock the Door Upon Myself

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Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 3 will definitely go down as one of the more lighthearted episodes to date – which means next week is going to be heart pounding.

So lets go ahead and dive right on in!

How adorable was the birthday scene for John? It was such a sweet family scene! Loved all the ribbing John was getting from Regina regarding his age (FYI D.W. Moffett is actually 60 – he looks great for his age!)

I am actually happy things are OK between Daphne and Toby. Toby has always been the more level-headed older brother who very rarely takes sides; we need him to be there for both Bay and Daphne.

Toby: I was way to hard on you at the orientation.
Daphne: It's alright; actually I'm glad you yelled some sense into me and I'm really glad I didn't go away to school.

While I agree Daphne deserves the cold shoulder from Bay, at the same time Bay is taking it a bit too far. We all get she misses Emmett and she is worried about their relationship, but she is the one who made these decisions. Bay could have easily let Daphne take the fall for the crimes she committed and she could have gone off with Emmett, but she decided to take the fall and the consequences which come with it.

Bay truly being happy about something in her life was such a relief. Bay is a true artist and her being on house arrest is the perfect opportunity for her to really dive in and express herself through different pieces. Her art may being the only thing keeping her sane through the next few months; though I really didn't understand the whole being disqualified for being convicted of a felony thing.

I actually got a little bit nervous when Bay's anklet decided to die – seriously what else are they going to throw at this girl – but thankfully the officer was in a good mood. It also gave us a chance to find out Bay wouldn't have done things differently if she could go back. 

Regina boxing up all of Angelo's clothing brought back so many memories and it was written beautifully. Regina had a hard road and when she finally got Angelo back in her life he was taken from her abruptly; watching her put his things in boxes broke my heart and I wanted Angelo back. I love how Kathryn has been there for Regina and how their friendship has really grown; she understands Regina.

Look Regina, you don't have to give away Angelo's things right now. If you're not ready, you're not ready.


Even though Regina needs more time to get over Angelo, I could really see a relationship happening between her and Eric. They have a lot in common and he has no problem being up front and honest with her. I also can't fault Regina for looking either – Eric is gorgeous! He has so many layers and I am really looking forward to getting to know him more.

Poor Emmett! He is trying so hard to fit in, but he has to encounter jerks like Taylor. When Taylor relegated Emmett to craft services instead of grip I just wanted to smack him. Taylor could have at least given Emmett a chance instead of making the assumption since Emmett is deaf he won't be able to do the job.

Go Daphne! I was cheering when she confronted Mingo about the damage he was causing. Yeah we all get hazing and pranks happen, but I was totally on Daphne's side when it came to the bathrooms – when you only leave one bathroom available for 40 students you will feel my wrath!

The dorm triathlon was such a fun storyline. We got to see the characters have fun and in a different element. It was such a genius move on Daphne's part to ask John for help after Mingo got help from the lacrosse team. John may irritate me at time, but he is really a great dad and is up for helping his kids out when they need him. Plus I love the friendship between John and Travis.

Who else wanted to give Iris a hug? I am so happy she was upfront with Daphne and told her exactly how she felt. Iris was trying so hard to be included and yet she kept being turned down. 

Iris: Why wasn't I there? Because no one told me about it, that's why. In case you haven't noticed people around here don't know that I exist.
Daphne: That's not true.
Iris: Yeah it is, even you do it. When I tried to volunteer for tug of war you acted like I wasn't there. I thought roommates were supposed to look out for each other.
Daphne: I'm sorry, I didn't realize.
Iris: It doesn't matter. The truth is, I'm not really one of you. I'm just the dumb hearing girl who no one wants to slow down enough to talk too.

The episode wrapped up rather nicely with Iris getting a moment to shine on the team, Regina realizing she wasn't ready to let go of Angelo's things, Emmett having an uncomfortable moment with Skye and Bay and Daphne mending fences thanks to a good old fashioned mud fight; though from the looks of the previews the happiness for everyone is short lived.

What did you think of tonight's episode? Based on the previews for next week, what do you think will happen? Do you see a relationship brewing between Daphne and Mingo?

If you have yet to catch up, go watch Switched at Birth online now via TV Fanatic!

I Lock the Door Upon Myself Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Toby: I was way to hard on you at the orientation.
Daphne: It's alright; actually I'm glad you yelled some sense into me and I'm really glad I didn't go away to school.

There's a Hello Kitty convention in town, we can get matching tattoos.
