New Girl Season 4 Episode 15 Review: The Crawl

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On New Girl Season 4 Episode 15 we got to experience Nick's Manson-like charisma and see how many people are willing to join a stranger on a pub crawl on Valentine's Day. 

It comes as no surprise this episode would be mainly about Nick and his recent breakup with Kai, but what frustrated me the most was the lack of back story on why Ryan was needing to get a new job.

So lets dive right in and discuss tonight's episode.

It wasn't at all surprising Jess would come home from a vacation with Ryan and have a faux English accent – way to channel Madonna, Jess.

Nick and Schmidt having a love for the comic strip Cathy makes me love them even more – at this point, these two can do no wrong in my eyes. It's clear Nick is taking the breakup with Kai extremely hard, but coming up with a pub crawl was the perfect solution; though I wouldn't trust him to actually map out the event.

Can Winston please be my designated buddy? The amount of provisions he had in his backpack was perfect for a night out on the town. Only Winston would have books, a woman's condom, nuts and even beer at the ready – you can't deny he comes prepared for anything.

Apparently Ryan needs to find a new job – way to floss over the storyline. On New Girl Season 4 Episode 13 they found a loophole so Ryan wouldn't have to quit his job; so why the urgency to a find a new job for him? It makes no sense. Yeah, I know Coach said the teachers were over Ryan and Jess being together, but, seriously, who cares what they think? I just found myself extremely confused when they were talking about him trying to find a new teaching job.

When Ryan asked Jess to move in with him, I did not get her hesitation – she can go on vacation with him and tell him she loves him, but she has to actually think abut moving in with him by pretending not to hear what he said. Thankfully she came to her senses, but we all know it was too late. It is clear they are on the road to breaking up, but at least they aren't ruining the character of Ryan just yet. 

I am still on the fence about Fawn and Schmidt – heck I didn't even realize they were still seeing each other. She seems like the female version of Schmidt, but a little more full of herself and I am just not sure if they have lasting power; though I do enjoy the character of Fawn by herself.

Speaking of Schmidt and his women – the moment between him and Cece in the bathroom actually made me miss them as a couple. Schmidt, even with all his faults, always seems to be there for Cece when she needs someone. It's clear they still care about each other, but I can't blame Schmidt for trying to start a new relationship with Fawn because Cece wants to be hard-headed and not admit she still has feelings for Schmidt.

Thank you Winston for slapping some sense into Coach. Winston has slowly become my favorite character on New Girl and you have to appreciate the things he does for his friends. 

Tonight's episode was mediocre at best – not a lot of laughs, but in the end Nick opened up about his feelings and his friends were – of course – there to bring him back up; though my favorite moment was Nick's pub crawl growing into a massive crowd. Only Nick Miller can achieve that.

What did you think of tonight's episode? When do you see Ryan and Jess officially breaking up?

You still have time to catch up on this season of New Girl. Go watch New Girl online now via TV Fanatic and come back and tell us what you think in the comments.

The Crawl Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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