The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 16 Review: Lahiri Family Values

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On The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 16, Danny and Mindy discussed their future now that there is a Little Lahiri-Castellano on the way. 

It was interesting to see how Danny would react to having his girlfriend/baby mama on the other side of the country. It was even more surprising when Danny (born and bred New Yorker) Castellano agreed to leave his beloved state for west of Nebraska.

Now, how did everything go down? Let's go deeper.

Lousy Credit - The Mindy Project

With Mindy and Danny moving to San Francisco, that meant Mindy could move forward with her new practice. Nothing came easy, because her rapping brother, Rishi, kinda sorta completely screwed everything up. As much as I love (and I mean, love) Danny's mom popping in for a number of episodes, it was nice to change it up with Mindy's family. 

Rishi was definitely a change of pace compared to Annette and Mindy has such an interesting relationship with him. While she acts slightly more immature when Annette is around, with Rishi, Mindy means business.

This is not some 2 bit family business where you can store your unemployable family members. This is not 'Wahlburgers.'


One thing I look forward to is meeting the Lahiri parents that were mentioned many times and even seemed feared of by their children. Great moments desperately waiting to happen.

On the other side of the country, Danny was chosen to break the news to Jeremy about him and Mindy leaving. Poor, Jeremy. The guy went from four doctors in the practice to just him in a short time span; of course he would be angry.

However, because of Danny's happier daddy-to-be demeanor, Morgan knew something was up. Though, how cute was Danny with the pregnancy? He's talking to Mindy's stomach, interested in animal parenthood magazines, and just being all around more loving than ever.

Morgan definitely noticed these changes, but only he would royally screw up the meaning of them.

It was funny to watch Morgan convince and watch as he thought Danny was dying rather than something a lot less serious, like leaving. Though, outrageous Morgan is way more fun to watch. 

When Jeremy was enlisted to talk to Danny, it continued the sitcom tradition of two people having two completely conversations, but the meanings work both ways. It is a cliched idea, but I must admit, they always are funny to me. Which is why watching Jeremy comprehend Danny's leaving speech as a death one was a highlight of the episode. 

In the end, Mindy realized that the right place for her was New York, which, let's be honest, we all knew was coming at some point. But, what will be more fun to watch as more things continue to change is Mindy Lahiri opening her own practice while being pregnant and competition for Jeremy. 

Are you happy Mindy is returning to New York? Do you want to meet Mindy's parents? How cute was Danny with newly pregnant Mindy?

If you need to catch up on anything you've missed, make sure you watch The Mindy Project online via TV Fanatic.

Lahiri Family Values Review

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Mary Kate Venedam is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

Rishi, you can not be this little idiot that I have to take care of anymore. Because, spoiler alert, there's going to be a new stupid little idiot that I have to take care of.


Wait, fine, my credit is bad. Do you accept street cred?
