Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 21 Review: One Day

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She said yes!

After many ups and downs, Leo and April are really getting married.

On Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 21, we witnessed what was probably the worst days of April Carver's life. The poor young woman got the news she head been dreading – her cancer has returned.

April Gets News - Chasing Life

I know I've commented on many occasions about Italia Ricci's acting, but her acting range is fantastic, as we witnessed in some of her lighter scenes this evening. It almost brought me to tears when she attacked the walls in the hospital with the sledgehammer. Everything about that scene was so moving. April has bottled up a lot of her emotions throughout Chasing Life Season 1, and as a character, she has developed a lot. I don't think anyone would know how they would react if they were in her situation.

I saw Raquel's meeting with April about her position at the paper coming a mile off. Realistically, it wouldn't have made sense for the paper to fire April, given her medical condition.

Having to quit her job must have been difficult, considering the work she has put in to rise up the ranks. I get that she did it to save Danny, but why should she? Danny was the one who was hacking her phone in Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 20. He didn't deserve her help. He has a lot of making up to do if he returns next season.

Poor Natalie didn't know what to do. She didn't want things to be awkward after their argument, but it was nice to see the sisters reach an understanding. The writers have used Jessica Meraz a lot more this half season and it's paid off. She is a joy to watch on screen and her character, Natalie, is a lot different from her sisters. It makes for some interesting dynamics. Let's hope she returns in the summer.

Brenna continued on her quest to donate bone marrow to a patient of the hospital. It was an interesting idea to have her right next to the person whose life she was saving and not have her interact with him. The two characters had no idea. You really don't know the impact that a stranger will have on your life.

The scenes with April and Brenna were a real gut punch. April really thinks she's done for and wants everything documented for her. You can't blame her. All she wants is to see her family continue on with, or without her.

It was a tad disappointing that Greer was nowhere to be seen in the finale. She has had such a big impact on Brenna's life that I thought there would be a cliffhanger ending for them. Hopefully these two are endgame. It would be cruel to pull them apart at this point.

Will Sara and George get back together already? They should never have broken up to begin with. They found love with each other and should embrace it, rather than letting things get in between them. Everyone has a right to happiness, after all.

"One Day" was a somber finale. I'd love to have said that it was a happy affair for all involved, but it wasn't. We leave all of these characters at interesting stages of their lives, wondering what will happen next. Hopefully Chasing Life Season 2 kicks off in the summer, so we can find out what happens next.

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • I felt nothing after April's hug with Dominic. They have no chemistry whatsoever. ZERO.
  • The scene with Brenna speaking to Doctor Hamburg and being accompanied by Natalie was comical. Natalie really has no leg to stand on when it comes to judging someone else, does she?
  • Did anyone else think they were going to leave us hanging when Leo asked April to be his wife? I just expected it to end.

Remember you can watch Chasing Life online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up with the drama now.

What did you think of the episode? What's next for our characters? Will Natalie's bone marrow work? Chat with me in the comments.

One Day Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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