Justified Season 6 Episode 8 Review: Dark as a Dungeon

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Avery Markham, Ty Walker, Katherine Hale, heck, even Choo Choo have been prominent players in Justified Season 6.

But even as their stories will eventually find their end, and they will (and have) played into the bigger arc, we all know Raylan Givens’ No. 1 is taking down Boyd Crowder.

Oh, Justified, how you love to tease, but the more mini head-to-heads we get and the closer we approach the finale, their final confrontation has me “trembling with anticipation.”

The sheer electricity that emanates between Raylan and Boyd (in large part to the stellar performances from both Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins) can make their verbal back and forth as captivating and exhilarating as a gun fight between the two.

Like so much of this season, the dialogue sounds so self-aware of its imminent ending discussing the past, the future, and the potential fates of the two major opponents.

Will the series end like one of those classic movies where Raylan gets his man and rides off into the sunset? Or, will it follow Boyd’s reference to Moby Dick, where Raylan winds up dead in his endless pursuit to catch his white whale?

That’s what continues to make this final season so exciting, amongst all the great scenes and moments, the fact that the ending doesn’t feel so obvious.

But, man, as we keep getting closer, the bodies just keep dropping.

Ty met his bloody end in Justified Season 6 Episode 8 after Raylan shot him trying to escape Ava and Boyd’s place. I love how even in such serious moments as that, the show manages to punch in some humor, like Raylan suggesting to Ty that if he wanted to get shot in the front he should have ran at him instead.

Ty was a creepy character but he was definitely a memorable one.

I love the shifting of short-term allegiances as Ty wanted to team up with Ava and Boyd to rob Avery of his money. At the same time, Raylan choosing to work with Avery to draw out Ty was a fun change (and a shocker to Tim hearing it on the radio).

But, I love how the ordeal was more or less so Raylan could give Boyd a glimpse of that enormous amount of money in the safe. Boyd may have been able to see that, but it still didn’t change the fact that he can’t help but want to try and take it down.

It looks like $100,000 and Ava just isn’t enough.

So now we know exactly what the final play should be, what with Boyd trying to come from underneath the safe. However, Ava’s been burned and that may throw a wrench into the whole situation.

What added to this hour great was Raylan dealing with his past, dealing with Arlo, and preparing to head straight into his own future.

We got a nice return from Raymond J. Barry as Arlo, as Raylan discovered that the scary place his father had locked up simply contained nothing. There weren’t any big secrets revealed there, but it was revealing for Raylan.

He’s letting the past go and moving forward, but seeing his grave marker get pulled up felt ominous for sure.

This season has been very exciting, and I can't wait to see how it all concludes. But, like Raylan, I'm definitely going to miss it when it's all over.

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Dark as a Dungeon Review

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Rating: 5.0 / 5.0 (9 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Justified Season 6 Episode 8 Quotes

Damn Raylan, you in love with my balls.


The past and the future are a fight to the death.
