Complications Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Outbreak

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John started out Complications Season 1 Episode 5 lounging in bed with his wife enjoying some post-coital bliss.

Given the way things are going, I'd guess that’s probably the last bliss John will have for a long time. 

CJ and Maurice getting gunned down in the drive-thru (and poor Maurice was being so good by ordering the single without cheese!) ends with more bloodshed as bullets fly and the woman who pulled the trigger got run down.

It all spilled into John’s ER, once again pulling him away from Sam. At least icky Kyle wasn’t lurking around this week to make sure she wasn’t lonely.

John ended up in a pickle when he found that Darius was a patient and asking for him. Darius needed John to hunt down another gang member and ask him a question. When John tried to blow him off, Darius got serious. They know where John’s family lives and he’d prefer they all remain friends but they could easilty be enemies.

Maybe John’s finally getting the picture; once you’re in, there’s no getting out. 

When John returned, it was with bad news. Spider was dead and he’s the man who was supposed to stop more killings, at least for tonight. It all lead to John helping Darius escape police custody to get out and do it himself. Unfortunately a pesky bullet in his leg was slowing him down and leaving a messy trail of blood in the hallway. 

Once again, John called on Gretchen for help because she’s the go to girl for all things shady or at least the one person who will get the job done. She provided John with a surgical kit and some morphine, the latter of which Darius refused.

John gave him fair warning what he was in for in this Complications quote

I've got to warn you, I'm an emergency physician not a trauma surgeon; this could get ugly.


So, in order to keep Darius from screaming his head off while he sliced into his leg, John told him about his toughest patient. The story of how 8-year-old Rebecca was diagnosed with cancer after John thought it was the flu and died six months later almost made the hard-core gang-banger shed a tear. 

When it was all done, Darius got to take his own bullet with him and John ended up garnering the suspicions of Bridget who saw him secretly dispose of the syringe and morphine and the detective who wondered why John didn’t have more issues with the gang members given his previous involvement.

Gretchen didn’t seem quite the rebel this week but I suppose she can’t be wielding tire irons all the time. I was surprised she didn’t think to at least ask about the shooter’s little brother’s name or location earlier. I’m guessing that tracking Elio down will give Gretchen plenty of opportunity to show off her badass skills next week in Complications Season 1 Episode 6.

If you can’t wait to see how things continue to spiral out of control, you can take a look at our newest summer addiction and watch Complications online here at TV Fanatic. 

Outbreak Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (7 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Complications Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

(to Darius) I chose you because I need somebody smart when shit go cross-eyed.


They’re not gang members when they're in the hospital; they're patients.
