Public Morals Season 1 Episode 8 Review: No Crazies on the Street

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The bodies are starting to pile up as the west side war continues. 

While Muldoon delivered payments to his fellow PMD officers on Public Morals Season 1 Episode 8, the criminal element was focused on sending more souls to the hereafter. With everyone out to make power plays, the question is: who will be left standing?

That and how long before the PMD or really any other unit in the NYPD does something about this conflict. For all the lip service the cops give to hunting down Mr. O's killer, they've been content to let Patton handle the matter internally. 

Putting HIm To The Test - Public Morals Season 1 Episode 8

I don't know about the rest of you but the gangsters continue to be my favorite part of the show. They're unstable and dangerous, and not really that bright, but they also bring us amazing characters like the bored hooker. Not to mention that they drive all they action. 

And I actually manage to care about more of them than the cops. I should have seen Hopkins death coming since he turned out to be so likeable and secretly sweet on Public Morals Season 1 Episode 7. Like Smitty, he demonstrated a level head and a pragmatic side that I found appealing. 

Really, anytime this show makes a criminal into a likable figure, it's a sure bet that they'll be offed.

It's not about balls, Richie, it's about smarts.

Benny Hopkins

Which leaves me wondering about Rusty's fate. I wouldn't quite call him "likeable," but seeing him with Kaye certainly softened my impression of him. It also had me questioning what her diagnosis might be, as she seemed flattered by his possessive jealousy. She's either pleased by the fact that he killed her husband or childishly naive to not realize that's what went down. I'm betting on the former. 

Their relationship, as twisted as it may be, is completely fascinating. I could see them becoming a real criminal power couple. 

I'm jealous, Kaye, because I love you. You know how hard it was for me when you went back to that miserable prick? You wanna talk jealous? You have no idea what jealousy like that can make a man do.

Rusty Patton

If only I could find the same affection for all the officers of the PMD. Muldoon is the heart of the division, and is complicated enough that there are parts that I like and parts that I just want to figure out. Bullman is a big teddy bear that I can't help but love. And Sean O'Bannon is just hot. 

But the rest of the division? Meh. Quite frankly, I'm bored with Latucci's storyline. We still haven't seen that he was actually skimming from the PMD, if anything, he was going easy on Todesco  and cutting himself out of money along with the rest of the PMD. I understand why the team wouldn't like that, but it doesn't seem as big of a deal as if he had been skimming of the top. 

As for Jimmy Shea, the unsubstantiated suspicion of him has worn thin. I was looking forward to a definitive ruling on him, but we were once again disappointed. His personality ups and downs aren't catching my interest, not without some background on what's causing them. He's been absent for so much of the season that he might as well have not been there.

No, uh, if this dick loving son of a bitch wants to go, let's go.

Jimmy Shea

Charlie continued to endear himself to me, even with the ill conceived date he went on with Fortune...excuse me, Stacie. Even the fact that he's clearly interested in somebody just a few years old than his daughter doesn't deter me. I loved how even though he's on what is supposed to be a fake date, he completely honest with over inquisitive Lois.

Christine and the kids pulled at my heartstrings, too. While it didn't demonstrate the depth she's shown in the past few episodes, her telling the kids about the new house like it was a fairytale almost made up for how drawn out this arc has been. There was a key element of the mid-century American dream present when she told the kids they'd all have their own bedroom. 

Your father can be stubborn sometimes. But, eventually, he always comes around and sees the errors of his ways.

Christine Muldoon

That scene didn't help me trust Terry, though. Neither did his and Lt. King's concern about the gang war being focused on their income and not on the number of people dying. Granted most of them are criminals, but with shoot-outs in apartment buildings and hotels, it can't be long before somebody gets caught in the crossfire. 

We have a lot to look forward to with the final two episodes airing on October 20th. Patton will have to make a decision regarding his son, and Terry may face trouble on the home front now that Christine has found the perfect house. I can't wait to see if Kaye and Rusty get outed, and how Sean would deal with addition to how he's going to handle whatever news Deirdre has for him. There's a lot to wrap up!

If you missed "No Crazies on the Street," you can watch Public Morals online with us, and then share your thoughts in the comments!

No Crazies on the Street Review

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Elizabeth Harlow was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the organization in October 2018.

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Public Morals Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

It's not about balls, Richie, it's about smarts.

Benny Hopkins

I'm jealous, Kaye, because I love you. You know how hard it was for me when you went back to that miserable prick? You wanna talk jealous? You have no idea what jealousy like that can make a man do.

Rusty Patton