Bates Motel Season 4 Episode 3 Review: 'Til Death Do You Part

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Even with a wedding and Norman sending Norma to the wolves, Bates Motel Season 4 Episode 3 didn't have the oomph it needed to be much more than an average hour of television.

As a setup? It did what it needed to do.

Norman Struggles - Bates Motel

Coming off of Bates Motel Season 4 Episode 2, pretty much anything was going to pale in comparison, but this was surprisingly light fare.

If you don't recognize the photo above from the episode, well, don't try to hard to figure out where it came from because there were no press photos for "'Til Death Do You Part." That usually means something big is coming. 

The best parts of the hour came to us courtesy of Alexander Romero. He made a lovely groom. He started out strong and kept on winning points as his new role continued.

Even though Romero said he thought it would be good for public opinion if Norma leaned in a bit and it looked like they had touched before their wedding, we knew he'd wanted it longer before that moment. Could Norma's lean have been any more awkward?

Norma followed that up by crossing her arms through the ceremony and wanting to skip stuff (any of the verbiage, in other words), but when Alex gave her a wedding ring into which he most definitely put thought before he put it on her finger and followed with a kiss into which she would have leaned longer? She was hooked.

And even though she probably would have preferred Romero not to have moved in with her, when she needed a shoulder to lean on later, his was welcoming. 

Norma also admitted to him that she needed Norman to say things that once he said would mean she might lose him forever.

Except she still doesn't quite get what Norman is saying to her because she's so busy shushing him that she's not listening when he's talking.

The more Norman says, the less she hears. Norma keeps begging Norman's forgiveness, and all I can imagine is anyone in proximity hearing that, thinking he's not the nut she thinks he is at all. Top that off with his proclamation she's an insane killer? Things aren't looking good at all.

Thankfully, Dylan is back, but he's a little bit out of the loop at the moment. What he doesn't know could probably fit into an encyclopedia at this point. Hey, it's the Bates house. Things happen fast there.

 We were also introduced to Rebecca, a friend of Alex's who will no doubt be back in the picture. And Chick looking for Caleb isn't going to be a simple brush in and out of the Cabin. 

How will those two come into play in the future? How will their fate cross into the newlyweds or affect Dylan or Norman or the entire family? It must, right?

And no doubt that was Audrey's earring the workers found in the pool pit. The best news about that is how far under she'll be hidden. Nobody will just stumble upon her and it will take machinery to find her again. But it could happen. Norman could make it happen.

Norman knows a lot, more than anyone else on the canvas when it comes to buried bodies. And he's seen Norma do it. He makes a very convincing advocate for the crazy side of her. If Dylan stands up for his mother, how will Norman retaliate?

The future doesn't look bright for Norma at all. But she has a bright spot now, in her husband, Alex. They've finally made love, too, which I can only imagine was a wonderful scene. 

Here's hoping she embraces the happiness while it lasts.

Be sure to watch Bates Motel online so you're always caught up with the latest and greatest.

'Til Death Do You Part Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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