Bitten Season 3 Episode 7 Review: On the Brink

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In every season there must be a dull installment.

That's where we pick up with Bitten Season 3 Episode 7, as even though there was some forward movement in the storyline, it felt drab in comparison to the beauty of some of the earlier airings.

Take out any hint of romance, fun or the appearance of Jeremy (who has been missing for two installments now), and it's just time to move on.

Watching the Albino - Bitten

The other thing that was missing from this hour was fun. Because Katia was a bad girl, that meant even Alexei wasn't any fun, and that's something he'd been providing during his short stay so far. Katia? Not so fun.

Granted, their upbringing was crap. She's done with it, and with her father. She was trying to use Rocco to get to Roman. It was pretty stupid, but she's led a life of stupid, in her opinion, so it was better than any alternatives that came to mind.

Even with Rachel coming into her powers, though, there was no excitement. Rachel has always been a bit of a stick in the mud. Discovering everyone she knew were Werewolves didn't play well to her sensibilities, then losing Logan and being stuck in the world left a perpetual frown upon her face.

Paige lost everyone she loved, as well, so maybe the two of them can find a kindred friendship in each other while Paige teaches Rachel the ropes. There were also some openings in Paige's coven if I recall correctly, and there's safety in numbers, so...fingers crossed!

And what's great about Paige is even when the world is crumbling down around her, she's always quick with a smile. Dear (insert who witches pray to here), let Rachel learn a thing or two from Paige. 

I have a feeling that was the last we'll see of either of them, though. The story just doesn't necessitate witches at this point.

What is the story? Well, Clay is still actively involved with Red-Eye the assassin. Contrary to Red, I don't see many similarities between the two men. If Red fancies himself like Clay, he's giving himself credit where it's not due. Just sayin'. 

I think I may have turned my head. Did Jorge die? Or, as I like to call him, the dude from Saving Hope. He seems so out of place with assassins and Wolves. Put on a pair of Crocs and go medicate someone! 

Anyway. Elena made a deal with her Uncle Konstantin (how funny that she never knew she had any family, and now she knows she's been dallying around them for years!) that she would kill Roman. The good uncle promised not to interfere. He'll even call Red away from her family. He's not sure she can do it. Oh, sure she can.

The two unknown henchmen (Seriously, are they part of the Russian Pack or what? They never seem to have direction from anyone, they're just there) get in the way at the very end, making "On the Brink" count for something. Nick and Katia went careening into the woods. Why do I have a bad feeling the person who will die is Nick?

I just can't have that. Even if the series is ending, killing Steve Lund off of anything is just a ludicrous idea. Who's with me?! Someone has to die, though, right? Because death as a season is coming to an end is just the way.

Thoughts? Hit the comments. Keep me company. I said the episode was dull. Yell at me! Prove me wrong. Do something!!

And then you can watch Bitten online because you miss it terribly. It has the beautiful people, after all.

On the Brink Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Bitten Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

You've tasted the power. How can you not want more? What is it you care about so much?


If you'd like to see what I'm capable of, just watch.
