Bones Round Table: Did Angela Cheat?

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Angela cheated on Hodgins…in her dreams, Aubrey and Jessica fumbled their way through their first kiss, and Booth was made responsible for Brennan’s behavior on Bones Season 11 Episode 14

Our TV Fanatics Ashley Sumerel and Christine Orlando are joined by Pam from Castle and Bones Radio to discuss whether they were fooled by Angela’s dream, if they’re rooting for Aubrey and Jessica and to share their favorite scene from “The Last Shot at a Second Chance.”

Before you knew it was a dream, did you think that Angela was cheating on Hodgins with Sebastian?

Pam: At first I did. They faked me out. In my mind, I thought she did. I knew she wouldn't do that to Jack but that split second I thought she had. I was relieved it was a dream, but if she is thinking about him in that way she could easily cheat on Jack since it has gone that far in her mind.

Ashley: Yes, I definitely did, at least at first. I think the kiss was believable, but once it got more serious, I started to think it was probably a dream. 

Christine: Yikes! They definitely got us good. The kiss wouldn’t have surprised me, but anything more than that would have been a shock. Angela has been under such stress with Hodgins for months now, I can’t really blame her for her dreams.

What do you think of Aubrey and Jessica as a couple?

Pam: I am not keen on them as a couple. They don't click for me. I like him paired with the new shrink, Karen, the goofy woman who helps with cases now. They would make a cute couple more so then he and Jessica.

Ashley: I love them! I think they are adorable, and I love how they seem like a younger version of Booth and Brennan. 

Christine: Ugh. I really don’t like them together at all. It’s like they're trying to remake Sweets and Daisy, and it doesn’t work for me. I’m not a big fan of Karen either. Why do all of these possible partners for Aubrey have to be quirky bordering on crazy?

Facing a Suspension - Bones

Should Booth be made responsible for Brennan’s behavior?

Pam: Yes and no. He is her partner, and she isn't an FBI agent like he is, so he is in one way her superior, just as she is boss in the lab over him. She, however, is responsible for her own behavior, and he can't stop her from the way she thinks, the way she acts or reacts. We are all responsible for our own actions in life.

Ashley: No, but I like that deal because it seems like it will create a dynamic that feels like the early seasons.

Christine: I thought it was silly that the fact that they’re married was never brought up. Brennan is a grown woman who is responsible for her own actions. Making Booth responsible for her feels wrong to me. 

Was there anything in “The Last Shot at a Second Chance” that disappointed you?

Pam: Yes, I would like to have seen Michael and his reactions to his father's new situation in life. It would have been nice to see a few scenes with him. We see Michael from time to time, but he never talks. He could be such a support to his Mother.

Ashley: I hated that Hodgins was still so awful to Angela, but I'm glad he seemed to soften in the scene at the end. 

Christine: I agree that it’s odd that we not only haven’t seen Michael Vincent, but that neither Angela or Hodgins have mentioned him in all of this. If their home life has been this miserable, that must be affecting their child as well, and it’s their job to realize that. 

What was your favorite quote or scene?

Pam: My favorite scene was when Angela told Jack she didn't want his things, that she only needed him. That she would see him back at home and then he hears her crying in the bedroom. and he wheels himself over to the bed and grabs her hand.

Ashley: Aubrey and Jessica's failed kiss! It was just really endearing. 

Christine: I’m with Pam on this one. I liked Angela telling Jack she’s in this for the long haul, no matter what. I think he really needed to hear that from her. 

Check back on Thursday night for our review of Bones Season 11 Episode 15, and if you can’t wait for more, you can watch Bones online here at TV Fanatic. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bones Season 11 Episode 14 Quotes

We wouldn't be happily married if we gave up after that first awkward moment.


Jessica: Nothing says romantic like having your first kiss interrupted by murder.
Aubrey: Or dirty street water.