Zoo Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Collision Point

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This really is the best show on TV this summer.

There wasn't a second of down time on Zoo Season 2 Episode 3, and we were even treated to two mini crossovers!

Don't tell me you missed them. Oh, fine. I'll tell you all about them now!

On Their Own - Zoo

We really have two separate storylines playing out, because poor Jamie is still out in the woods. At least she has a pal now.

It was a good news/bad news situation though, as she had no idea what Logan was lugging around in the duffel bag he was holding onto so tightly. It had to be something bad, right?

If you consider piles of money and pictures of Jamie bad, then your instincts were good!

They got it all figured out, to the point Logan gave Jamie his gun, and Jamie let Logan hack off her blackened big toe with an ax. So, yeah, they're getting along great now.

The real action was happening with the rest of the gang. 

Dariela toyed with the idea of leaving after she toyed with Abe. Yep. Abe got himself a piece of the action! When he tried to wax poetic about seeing her again sometime, she actually walked away before he was done talking.

It will be interesting to see how things shake out now that she'll be sticking around. After all that she went through, how could she walk away? 

Zoo came about as close to a crossover with BrainDead as any series ever will. ANTS ACTUALLY WENT INSIDE ELEANOR AND KILLED HER. No kidding.

Bonus point since they were, of course, mutated ants. 

At first I thought it was a real crossover, because the team even noticed Eleanor wasn't acting like herself when she was ant infested.

Once they realized the ants burned her from the inside, I thought maybe the General had somehow mutated the ants himself as a way to prove his theory that the Noah Objective was needed. 

Kill all the animals! It's the only thing that makes sense! What an idiot that guy is. 

Then we had the second mini-crossover event when we learned the ants were trying to CREATE THE FLASH!!! 

That was also very awesome. The ants wanted to go to the nearby particle accelerator and create an explosion, which we all know creates a bunch of metahumans, which would probably be really helpful to the cause right now.

Metahumans fighting mutant animals. What a concept!!

But, our team wasn't thinking clearly, and they stopped the ants and saved the day. Except Dariela swallowed an ant.

That made for one hell of a scene, because Mitch, Jackson and Chloe had to essentially kill her with a homemade electric chair in order to kill the ant. 

Seriously, it was really good stuff. 

It may not be full of cool criminals or be written so you have to think really hard after a long day at work, but Zoo is a lot of fun. And sometimes, that's all you need in the summertime. Without a doubt, Zoo hits the spot.

If you need to catch up, you can watch Zoo online right here via TV Fanatic. Don't miss out on TV's own summer blockbuster!

Collision Point Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Zoo Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

You know, the social structure of ants is actually quite similar to that of humans? Male ants, for example, will mate with attractive new female ants even if they're from an enemy colony.


Mitch: Scoop up some ants. Hurry, before this spinal fluid goes bad.
Jackson: Well that's a sentence you can go your whole life and never hear.