Quantico Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Kudove

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I'm guessing Quantico Season 2 means double the time jumps, yay!

On Quantico Season 2 Episode 1, we had to endure quite a few time jumps within the first five minutes. I honestly stopped counting them after the third one. To make matters even better, we mixed things up with some location jumps as well.

News flash: I don't care where all these people were recruited from.

Lydia Bates - Quantico Season 2 Episode 1

Instead of getting the blood pumping for a brand new conspiracy, the premiere served as a reminder of what went wrong the last time around. Confusing time jumps? Check. Ryan and Alex drama? Check.

We're even back in training, which was boring and felt rushed. You could never really get comfortable in whatever the test was that the recruits were going through because as soon as you start to understand what's going on, we jump to another storyline.

While sitting through slightly different training doesn't sound like a lot of fun, it's worse when you jump from one test to the next. The first day of training at the Farm did not work at all.

Last season, training worked as a way to get to know all the new characters, and it's not like we're suddenly lacking in the new characters department. 

After this premiere, here is what I know about the new recruits: one guy has an accent but is apparently American, there's the guy who went to jail, Jeremy Miller wrote spy novels, and that's it.

Recruits - Quantico Season 2 Episode 1

Lydia was the only "recruit" who really worked. She's the only one that you really got to know.

She captivated you almost instantly, and you started to fall in love with her. I mean who else thought Alex had found her CIA Shelby? 

The twist that Lydia was an instructor and that everything she told Alex was a lie was fun and unexpected.

Lydia represents the exact opposite of Alex. Alex is all about her friends and trusting people. Lydia, and apparently the CIA, say screw everyone else. Don't trust anyone. Look out only for yourself and the mission. 

The FBI might train you to be a hero, but in the agency, the mission comes first. You don't.


It will be interesting to watch Alex try to navigate the world of the Farm. She'll have to either abandon her beliefs or prove Lydia wrong. We could get to see another side of Alex Parrish, and that's exciting.

Seeing as how Alex sucks at CIA training, it might be time for her to change her ways.

That's right, Alex Parrish might not be able to hack it at the Farm. She's at the bottom of the murder board, and that's a very bad place to be. Admittedly, being on the murder board at all doesn't sound like something you'd want, but if you had to be on it, be towards the top.

Ryan and Leon - Quantico Season 2 Episode 1

What are your thoughts on Alex and Ryan's time at the Farm so far? Are you loving the new season or are you unimpressed?

On to this season's terrorist plot!

We actually spent a good deal of time in the future. We caught up with everyone before the trucks blew up, and then we stuck around a bit after the hostage situation started.

Thankfully, there's a good bit of difference between last season's attack, and this one. It could actually be really interesting if we don't jump to any other time in the future, and if we have to watch Alex and friends break up this hostage situation as it is happening. 

If the terrorist act is contained to this one event, then it could be really fun to see Alex try to get messages to Ryan, Raina, and any other friend she has stuck inside. I don't want for this hostage situation to be over relatively quickly, and then the rest of the season is on two other attacks that the Citizen's Liberation Front carries out in the future. 

Sometimes when I talk about Quantico, I feel like my head is spinning, and I worry that I might not be making sense. Does that happen to anyone else?

What did you think of the season two premiere? Are you excited for what's to come? Leave your thoughts in a comment below. 

Remember you can watch Quantico online anytime via TV Fanatic.

Kudove Review

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Quantico Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Alex: I just saw a dead man.
Shelby: What man, and what makes you think that he's dead?
Alex: Because I'm the one who killed him.

Alex: You know, sometimes I wish we said no, to the mission, to all of this.
Ryan: There was no mission, Alex. We were chasing ghosts.
Alex: They weren't ghosts, Ryan. They were just smarter than us.