The Flash Season 3 Episode 8 Review: Invasion!

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It was one episode late, but the big ass CW superhero crossover finally begins!

You can't really count Supergirl Season 2 Episode 8 because, I don't know about you, but 30 seconds of Barry and Cisco at the end of the episode does NOT count as a crossover. Shame on you, CW!

So now the alien invasion really begins on The Flash Season 3 Episode 8, and it was pretty sweet. 

The Whole Gang - The Flash Season 3 Episode 8

I didn't expect to see Lyla as the first crossover character, so that was a cool surprise. The fact that the aliens, dubbed The Dominators, were here decades ago, makes you wonder if the whole Flashpoint debacle caused this new invasion to happen, too. Barry just can't stop screwing up!

Dig is so funny, what with the throwing up after his abduction by Barry. He really brings the everyman persona to his role, seemingly the only person who is freaked out by the whole deal.

Cisco is still colder to Barry than Killer Frost, and it's sad to watch. I know he's royally pissed, but I hope this freeze out doesn't last much longer. I really miss funny Cisco (sigh). 

Best team up, EVER!


At least we have Felicity to lighten things up. The CW really does the geek characters well — I was expecting to see Winn from Supergirl involved. Maybe he will surface in the other crossover episodes. 

The group is fractured from the jump, and it's all because of Barry's reluctance to be the leader. Ollie is definitely the alpha dog, but he forces Barry to be the leader. Maybe not the best idea

The message Barry sent from the future to The Legends tears the Flashpoint wounds open again, and the sight of Barry getting reamed by EVERYONE was almost overkill. We get that Barry screwed the pooch here, but at some point the show needs to move on from this.

Dig finding out he had a daughter basically erased was heartbreaking, especially since Stein has appeared to GAIN a daughter he never had. 

Stein Is Back - The Flash Season 3 Episode 8

What a hot mess!

So it's no surprise that only Kara and Ollie are on Barry's side at this point. 

The team was already at each other's throats, so when the mind control thingy made things worse, I was having major Captain America: Civil War vibes! Even though it was a little derivative, it was a fairly clever plot twist, something that I didn't expect. Good stuff!

The whole Wally thing is soooo annoying to me. I'm just not feeling the character, the actor, any of it. The show has always had a "speedster" problem IMO: too many damn speedsters! Jesse I like, and it seems like they might use her in small doses, which is good.

So here we have Wally going off half cocked, getting hurt, endangering the whole crew by doing something stupid AGAIN. I know his heart is in the right place, but stop already! And having Hipster HR volunteering to train him is ridiculous.

Wally: I know what you're gonna say, but I had to do something.
Iris: (hits Wally) Don't EVER do that again! Sorry -- not sorry!

Maybe the speed force makes you stupid — look at all the dumb things Barry does — SMH. 

A decent cliffhanger, with The Dominators abducting half the crew. The episode was a little disjointed, but given that it's spread out over three episodes that's probably to be expected.

This is random, but I loved Heatwave's back and forth with Kara — skirt! That is, until the sh*t hits the fan, then he calls her Supergirl! Too funny. 

Will you guys watch the rest of the CW crossover?

So what do you folks think? Do you like how it's playing out so far? Tell me about the good, the bad, and the ugly so far!

And don't forget you can watch The Flash online anytime, right here on the mother ship, TV Fanatic — we dominate TV!

Invasion! Review

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