The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 4 Review: 2104

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From #BouncyHouseGate to #NapGate, Corinne continues to bring the drama on this season of The Bachelor.

The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 4 brought Nick and his girlfriends from LA to Wisconsin, but that didn't stop the show from being all about Corinne.

Chris Lane Performs - The Bachelor

The girls are (understandably) upset that Nick decided to makeout with Corinne in the bouncy house, and Vanessa confronts him about it. It's safe to say she might be the most mature person to ever appear on this franchise. Nick 

If you're here to find a wife, that's me. If you're not here to find a wife, I'm happy to give the rose back.


Meanwhile, Corinne went back to sleep with a smile on her face. Either the producers planned this whole "Corinne goes to bed after her work here is done" stunt or she is dreaming about eating cheese pasta with Nick. Both of these theories are probably true.

Sarah and Taylor approach Corinne about her behavior, and she thinks they're just "obsessed with her." She becomes more like Regina George with each passing episode.

Regina George

Do you think Mariah Carey's song Obsessed was her MySpace song? 

She also tells Sarah and Taylor that she isn't "privileged." Raquel (her nanny) must be screaming at the TV.

I’m not privileged in any way, shape or form.


The girls think that Nick has learned his lesson and is going to send Corinne home. They clearly don't know how this show works... Corinne will at least make it to a two-on-one date where she gets humiliated and abandoned on a beach. 

The most pleasant surprise during the rose ceremony was that Alexis got a rose. Don't mess with shark-dolphin girl.

Another shock was Jami's straight hair. It (almost) made me forget about her horrible nose piercing. 

Corinne (obviously) got the final rose, and all of the girls who got sent home are crying. They wouldn't be if they knew they were leaving LA for Wisconsin.

I used to make fun of girls on this show for crying.


There's 15 women left, and Chris Harrison "congratulated" them for having a connection with Nick. He should congratulate them for getting closer to an invite to be on Bachelor in Paradise instead.

The girls are acting like their trip to Milwaukee is the same as a trip around the world. I have always wondered if it is in their contracts to get excited about traveling to random places (#neverforget Farmer Chris' ghost town in Iowa).

Nick has coffee with his parents, and his dad said what everyone in America has been thinking since Nick was announced as The Bachelor.

We don't want to see you on the show again.

Nick's Dad

Danielle L. gets the one-on-one date, and is treated to a trip around Nick's hometown. Nothing says romance like pointing out the library where you used to makeout with other girls.

Nick bumps into one of his ex-girlfriends, Amber, at the local deli. She is conveniently wearing a mic and sits down to talk to Nick and Danielle.

This is one of the most lame stunts ABC has planned, and if we were going to see Nick interact with one of his exes, I want it to be Andi or Kaitlyn. Or one of his exes that hates him. (Amber was way too nice).

This is super trippy.


Also, is it just me or is Nick low key obsessed with talking about his ex-girlfriends? Like, why would he take Danielle to the park where he had a lot of "firsts" with other women?

It's an unwritten Bachelor rule that the contestant needs to open up about a traumatic past experience at dinner. Nick does not seem impressed when Danielle says her parent's divorce is the main reason she struggles in relationships.

However, she says she goes grocery shopping in her sweatpants, so he gives her the rose. If wearing sweatpants to the local store is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Nick and Danielle also go to a Chris Lane concert. Talk about a downgrade from the Backstreet Boys... no offense to him, but why does this show try to make random country singers a thing every season?

On the group date, Nick takes the girls to a farm. Corinne would rather "be in a spa eating tacos," and I can't disagree with her this time.

Her next "millionaire dollar company" should be a chain of taco spas.

I wouldn't even make my nanny, Raquel, do farm chores.


I wouldn't scoop cow manure for a man either, Corinne. However, something I else I wouldn't do is say "poopy" on national TV.

It's like, everywhere I turn, poop, poop, poop.


Kristina tries to open up to Nick about her past, and he shuts her down to makeout. She is rewarded with the group date rose.

Corinne approaches the girls and asks them why they are giving her the cold shoulder. They explain that they think she is immature, and she say she shouldn't have to apologize for taking a nap. 

I didn't mean to offend anyone by taking that nap... Michael Jordan took naps. Abraham Lincoln took naps.


Corinne from The Bachelor, Michael Jordan and Abraham Lincoln... they all took naps and they are all American heroes. This group puts the rest of the  "name another iconic trio... I'll wait" memes to shame.

She also keeps talking about her "medical conditions," including her panic attack before the rose ceremony that she slept through and her finger injury when she tried to scoop cow poop. This isn't helping her campaign to prove she is mature.

Raven gets the second one-on-one date, and she goes to Nick's little sister's soccer game. Nick's family of 11 is the perfect form of birth control.

My feelings got really deep with Nick.


Raven asks Nick's sister if she watched "Bachelor in Paradise." She said she wasn't allowed, but I have a feeling that she is going to be looking for love on ABC one day too.

Raven also opens up to Nick about being cheated on. When she found out he was with another woman, she showed up at her exes house and knocked down his bedroom door.

If I was Nick, I would be scared not to give her a rose. I would also check her car and under her bed for baseball bats.

Carrie Underwood bat

Danielle L. "stole" Nick first even though she got a rose on her one-on-one. She's lucky that queen Corinne is distracted by Taylor and will not go after her for it. 

After chugging champagne and stuffing her face with food, Corinne confronts Taylor and they fight about who is more intelligent. I have no comment on who is smarter, but I do know I can't wait to watch the inevitable two-on-one date next week. 

Now for the most important question of the night: do you think Corinne will actually punch Taylor in the face? 

Don't forget you can watch The Bachelor online via TV Fanatic.

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Sarah Hearon is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 4 Quotes

I’m not privileged in any way, shape or form.


If you're here to find a wife, that's me. If you're not here to find a wife, I'm happy to give the rose back.
