Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 9 Review: Visiting Hours

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Emma said her final goodbyes on Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 9, as she came to White Pine Bay for presumably the last time.

Emma returned to offer support to Dylan. I'm not sure if she and Dylan had talked about her coming, but it didn't seem that way.

It should have been at least a semi-happy reunion considering they hadn't seen each other in some time, but it was one of many heartbreaking moments for Emma as she learned the unfortunate news that Norman had killed her mother.

Emma Is Ready To Move On - Bates Motel

Even though she didn't really know her mom, it was still a shock to her. And she was angry as she had every right to be.

What was even worse for her was when she learned that Dylan might go to the hearing as requested by Norman's lawyer. 

If I remember correctly, Emma was aware that Dylan hired a lawyer for Norman so she shouldn't have been angry about that.

Still, it was incredibly emotional for her to hear the lawyer talk about being supportive to Norman. 

While she said she didn't have any sympathy for him, she was kidding herself in the end. 

Visiting Norman was completely unexpected, but it was good to see her make peace in all the ways that she did: visiting Norma's grave, scattering her mother's ashes, and saying goodbye to Norman.

Norma Jean - Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 9

The look on her face when she realized she wasn't talking to Norman said it all. One of the most powerful scenes of the hour was when she told Norma to tell Norman she missed him.

At that moment, she knew it wasn't Norman who killed Audrey. Yes, it was "Norman" per se, but it wasn't. So all the anger she might have felt, and probably should have felt for Norman, disappeared into a river of sympathy.

What was beautiful about Olivia Cooke's performance was how she said so much without saying much at all. Part of it had to do with the music and the intensity of it all, but wow, what a performance.

I'm really going to miss Emma. 

What else was chilling was when she left the motel and stopped before she closed the door. It made me feel that maybe she and Dylan wouldn't see each other again.

I hope it doesn't end that way. Somebody deserves a happy ending in this tragedy, and if anyone deserves it, it's Emma.

At the Courthouse - Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 9

Dylan somehow ending up in the crossfire of whatever will happen in the final hour is not something I want to see.

Dylan was in a tough spot. On one hand, he wanted to be there for his brother. On the other, he needed to support his wife.

In the moment Julia knocked on the door, he probably just wished he could crawl into a hole.

Unfortunately, he has to face the truth. He's going to be living with guilt for the rest of his life. I don't think it's something he can't ever get over because as long as he has Emma and his daughter, he should be okay.

At least I hope so.

I was disappointed that Dylan didn't show more support for Norman than he did and didn't sit behind Norman like Julia requested. 

Although he's not completely at fault for everything that happened, he was an enabler. He could have done more. It's endless to think of everything he could have done, yet it's also understandable that he did nothing.   

It wasn't because he was ignoring the issue. It had more to do with the fact that he was trying to protect both Norman and Norma. He wanted to maintain that relationship with his mother, someone who hadn't always been involved in his life.

The guilt that he just left her with Norman to do his own thing will haunt him forever. 

Moms are mean sometimes and when she told him to go away, he could have stayed and fought for a relationship. He could have tried to reach out to her at some point after they left. He knew how she was. 

Yet, he opted to just stay away without contact, so he's going to have to live with that.

Romero has finally jumped on the crazy bandwagon. It's odd that he wants to see Norma's body. It's going to be an emotional rollercoaster when he sees her frozen in the snow with a blanket over her all dolled up like Norman left her.

He's not going to be able to deal with the sight of her, and it might give Norman a chance to gain the upper hand.

Romero should just have ended it in the station. Then he could have left with his friend and assumed a new identity, but that would have been too easy, and it wouldn't have satisfied Romero's need to avenge Norma's death.

How is Romero going to react when Norman resumes his Norma persona?

There is no doubt it's going to throw Romero for a loop.

Bates Motel pulled out all the emotions in its penultimate series episode. How it ends is anyone's guess, but I'm still going with the theory that Norman won't survive in the end. 

Will Romero kill him or will Norma overtake Romero in the end? Will Sheriff Greene show up in time? How does Dylan fit into the puzzle?

Whatever happens, it's not going to be a happy ending for Norman. That much is clear.

What did you think of "Visiting Hours"? Which part broke your heart the most? How do you think the series will end? 

Hit the comments and speculate away!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Bates Motel online right here via TV Fanatic!

Visiting Hours Review

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Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Everyone has multiple personalities, Julia. We put out what we need when we have to.


I'm so sorry, Emma. I never wanted to bring you anything but happiness.
