Preacher Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Damsels

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Jesse's quest for God continued on Preacher Season 2 Episode 3 as he, Tulip and Cassidy visited New Orleans to look for the big guy.

As it turned out, Jesse was on his own in the streets of the Big Easy, as Tulip and Cassidy had other plans.

Everyone's At Risk - Preacher

There was a reason Tulip didn't want to go to New Orleans, and his name is Victor.

The same Victor from Preacher Season 2 Episode 2 whose goon she killed in the hotel room. The same Victor that caused her to back out of her marriage to Jesse.

Tulip tried to disappear in the streets of New Orleans, but she came across a woman who recognized her. My money is on her as the one to let Victor know TheTulip was back in town.

Cassidy knew something was up and wasn't going to let Tulip wiggle her way out of telling him what was going on.

She spilled some of the beans to Cassidy but not everything. He offered to tell Jesse, so she didn't have to, but she declined.

It's strange that she's so mysterious about Victor. Does Victor own her? Is she married to Victor? Does she owe Victor money? 

She didn't get into too many details.

How Victor's goons found Tulip is anyone's guess. The scene of them coming into the laundromat was great with Tulip continuing to put her coins into the cigarette machine. 

And I loved how there was a whole army of goons to take her in. It says plenty about Tulip being able to handle herself, but she was outnumbered this time around, and she didn't even try to fight.

She knew they were coming. Did they follow her to Dennis' place and is that why she left so as not to get Cassidy and Dennis killed?

The Gang in New Orleans - Preacher Season 2 Episode 3

I want to know more about Victor, but more importantly, I want to know why Tulip doesn't want Jesse to know anything.

Tulip almost told Jesse about what was going on, but then backed out. I love how she and Jesse are so connected.

Tulip knew something was up when Jesse used Genesis to make the blonde singer stop from kissing him. It was an intuition type of thing.

Tulip and Jesse are connected on a deep level. Whatever Tulip is hiding has to be pretty serious otherwise why go to so much trouble to hide it?

I have yet to read the Preacher comics, so I know that some of what went on this hour went right over my head.

The blonde singer is tied into the men in white who is tied into Herr Sterr. Why it's important, I have no idea. Maybe I'll dive into the comics before Preacher Season 2 Episode 4 to see what it's all about.

The Blonde Singer - Preacher Season 2 Episode 3

After the weird dog/sex thing, Jesse was pretty much on his own. He had no idea even where Tulip and Cassidy were staying. He went from bar to bar and club to club looking for God. 

How bizarre is it seeing a preacher going to a bar and asking people for God? At the end of the hour, he cozied up next to a guy who kind of looked like God.

I get Jesse's reaction to the jazz he was listening to. It's hard on the ears, but once you let it take over, it's actually tolerable.

And maybe that's what Jesse needs to be doing -- delving into the music, letting it move him. Maybe that's how he'll find God.

We also got to see Eugene's and Tracy's backstory which explained plenty. Eugene was caught in a hell similar to the Saint of All Killers when he kept reliving the death of his family over and over and over.

Why was poor Eugene in a cell anyway? He was put there not of his own doing. If anything, the keepers of the cells should be trying to get him out.

Either way, it was pretty funny (?) that he was locked up next to Hitler. How horrible for Eugene. Does that mean attempted suicide is as bad a sin as all the horrors Hitler committed?

Somehow I don't think so which makes Eugene's predicament even worse.

One thing is for sure; Preacher is crazy in every sense of the word!

So what did you think of "Damsels"? Who is Victor, and why can't Tulip tell Jesse about him? Comic book readers, fill us in on the blonde singer and Herr Sterr! 

If you need to relive the craziness, you can watch Preacher online right here via TV Fanatic!

Damsels Review

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