Suits Season 7 Episode 2 Review: The Statue

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Jessica Pearson may be away from New York City, but that does not mean she cannot pop up here and there. 

On Suits Season 7 Episode 2, Gina Torres returned as the fan-favorite character, and it helped advance Harvey's plot in an exciting way. 

Harvey Butts Heads - Suits

He wants to be the one to call the shots at the firm, but change is not something that suits him. He's a character who struggles to deal with change, and that always seems to be his undoing. 

Despite the flashbacks showing Jessica making big moves instantly, I found it out of character for Harvey to try the same thing. Jessica wanted to make sure Harvey was genuinely ready to call the shots. 

Tearing down her statue, so to speak, was like saying goodbye to her legacy, and she struggled with that. 

My favorite moment was when the pair made up, and Jessica told Harvey to get his feet off her table. Even from a different state, she's still funny as hell. 

Jessica: What is it now, Harvey? You want to put the janitor in charge of bankruptcy or ... the guard downstairs could be head of litigation.
Harvey: You finished?
Jessica: Depends on what you say next.
Harvey: I'm sorry I said those things about yo, and I want you to know I didn't mean any of them.
Jessica: I'm sorry too, Harvey.
Harvey: Jessica, you don't need to apologize...
Jessica: Yes, I do. You were just tearing the statue down. Just like you saw me do, all those years ago and I didn't like it... because the statue was me.
Harvey: Well, if it's the same to you, I'd like the statue to stay.
Jessica: Sounds good to me.
Harvey: There's one more thing.
Jessica: There always is.
Harvey: I'm still bringing Alex over, only not as a named partner, but Fiser is still insisting we drop Jim Reynolds.
Jessica: And you want to make sure I'm okay with it?
Harvey: No. I'm letting him go. I'm just calling you to let you know like I should have done in the first place.
Jessica: I was wrong when I said you weren't ready, Harvey.
Harvey: No, you weren't. But you are now.
Jessica: Good night, closer.
Harvey: Good night, Jessica.
Jessica: And take your feet off my desk.
Harvey: Not a chance.

The episode did successfully make me yearn for a Jessica-fronted spin-off set in Chicago. I do like that the Suits characters are still trying to find their footing in Jessica's absence. 

Jessica was once the person who let them know when the $hit was going to hit the fan and how to pull themselves back from the brink. I, for one, thought Donna would be the one to take on that role. 

Instead, she's trying her best to rise up the ranks at Pearson Specter Litt, and it's becoming cumbersome. I was one of the few who found Donna being named a partner to be a good twist for the character. 

However, I'm not buying her as a COO. It all feels very opportunistic, and I have Katrina to thank for changing my views on it. When the firm's reputation was at its lowest, Katrina was promised the opportunity to become a partner. 

Katrina: Hey, I didn't know anyone was moving in here. It looks brilliant.
Donna: Well, as it turns out, we're getting ourselves a new partner and they needed a new office.
Katrina: New partner? That's fantastic. Show's we're back on our feet. What firm are they from?
Donna: This one.
Katrina: I don't understand.
Donna: It's because it hasn't been announced yet, but you're looking at the newest senior partner at Pearson Specter Litt.
Katrina: Wow. Congratulations, Donna. You must be thrilled.
Donna: I am, and I know what you're thinking. How can a secretary be made partner.
Katrina: I wasn't thinking that, Donna. I know how hard you work and what you mean to this firm and everyone in it.
Donna: Thanks, Katrina.
Katrina: You're welcome. I'll let you get back to work.

She took a huge risk by defecting from Robert Zane; one that could have destroyed her career in the process, but she moved on the basis that she would be eyed as a potential partner. 

I can't begin to imagine how she must have felt to find out that Donna was getting the coveted title. She knew she needed to air her frustration about it. On top of that, the firm's recently revived reputation could have been blown to smithereens if it became official. 

Also, I'm not buying Donna knowing Harvey would pull the rug from under her. Most of the time, Donna Paulsen is a breath of fresh air, but I'm just not buying her suddenly wanting all the power in the world. 

What the characters need to stop doing is promising people partner positions. With Katrina in the mix, how did they know the firm would even be in a position to offer it out?

Making Amends - Suits Season 7 Episode 2

Then there's the addition of Dule Hill's Alex. He seems like he's going to be one of the better characters, but I'm glad he did not immediately coast into the firm as a partner. 

We need to see him pay his dues and earn it. His conversations with Harvey were a delight. I mean, I do like the Harvey and Mike dynamic, but I'm all for Harvey having his own friends. 

What I hated about the episode was that we had Mike being put on the spot for his criminal past. I get that we're not going to have a clean slate for Mike right off the bat, but we've already had him being undermined in the courtroom for it. 

Thankfully, Mike found a way to resolve it. This episode felt like a complete 180 from Suits Season 7 Episode 1. I'm not going to lie, I loved last week's episode, but this one chugged along and threw meander after meander for our favorite character. 

My one true hope is that the characters find a way to work together instead of one of them acting out of the ordinary for an episode here and there to add some drama. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Donna having the facts and figures for other companies was a typical Donna move. 
  • I'm still digging Harvey with the therapist. The chemistry between them is electric, and I can't wait to see what happens next with them. 
  • It was somewhat surprising that we never got to see Louis with Tara this week. After his conversation with Rachel, I thought Louis would for sure be trying to do everything in his power to meet up with her. 
  • Am I the only one who wants more Gretchen? She's hilarious.

Remember you can watch Suits online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up now via TV Fanatic. 

Over to you, TV Fanatics. What did you think of the episode?

Note: Suits continues on July 26.

The Statue Review

Editor Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.5 / 5.0 (30 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Suits Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Therapist: Wow. Sun rise is beautiful from up here.
Harvey: To be honest, I can’t remember that last time I saw sunrise.
Harvey: It takes something pretty special to get me up before 7am.
Therapist:As I recall, I was pretty special last night.
Harvey: Yeah, surprised me again.
Therapist:The truth is, I’m a little surprised by all this myself.
Harvey: What do you mean?
Therapist:I mean, you disappear for nearly a year and then, one day you suddenly show up in a 57 chevy.
Harvey: 72 Ferrari, but, yeah.
Therapist:And you sweep me off my feet. I liked it.
Harvey: That’s good because I wasn’t sure you would.
Therapist:Of course you weren’t. You don’t really know me yet. Until yesterday, we’d spent about fifty hours together and we spent most of them talking about you.
Harvey: I know and that’s what I love about our relationship.

Katrina: Hey, I didn't know anyone was moving in here. It looks brilliant.
Donna: Well, as it turns out, we're getting ourselves a new partner and they needed a new office.
Katrina: New partner? That's fantastic. Show's we're back on our feet. What firm are they from?
Donna: This one.
Katrina: I don't understand.
Donna: It's because it hasn't been announced yet, but you're looking at the newest senior partner at Pearson Specter Litt.
Katrina: Wow. Congratulations, Donna. You must be thrilled.
Donna: I am, and I know what you're thinking. How can a secretary be made partner.
Katrina: I wasn't thinking that, Donna. I know how hard you work and what you mean to this firm and everyone in it.
Donna: Thanks, Katrina.
Katrina: You're welcome. I'll let you get back to work.