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Bridgette and Rafi need to get on the same page about how they should be raising their son. 

On SMILF Season 1 Episode 4 Rafi went to extreme measures and had Larry baptized after learning the truth about Bridgette giving Nelson the okay to get Larry his vaccines. 

The Mud Run - SMILF Season 1 Episode 4

It's horrifying that their parenting styles are so far from the other. Two wrongs don't make a right, and Rafi having Larry baptized without speaking to Bridgette first was not the best reaction. 

Rafi would have been wiser to confront Bridgette before executing his plan to get what he wanted all along. A part of him probably felt betrayed by Bridgette because she was keeping things for him. 

But that's not the right way to go about raising your kid, and Larry is the one who is going to be affected by this. In any case, he needs stability, and with his parents changing things up at the drop of a hat, there's no telling how he will react to it. 

It's Rafi! - SMILF Season 1 Episode 4

Tutu also had a duty of care towards Larry, and it shocked me to the core that she did not think to stop the baptism to get approval from Bridgette. All of this is only going to mean that Bridgette is going to stick to her and stay away from everyone. 

My one true hope from this is that Bridgette does not ice Nelson out of her life. Sure, Nelson may have broken the girl code in Bridgette's eyes, but it was a big thing they were keeping from Rafi. 

If Nelson was able to continue keeping the lie, it would prove that she is no good for Rafi. He's one of the most straightforward men out there, and a lie of that caliber at the beginning of the relationship does not bode well for the future. 

Tutu is Shocked - SMILF Season 1 Episode 4

Bridgette, Eliza, and Nelson teaming up for the extreme mud run were excellent. They wanted to prove that they could do the run as well as a man and they accomplished that goal. 

Who would have thought that Bridgette rolling up a diaper to make a makeshift penis would give her all of the confidence in the world? It was sad, but comical when it got stuck in the climbing frame. 

Tutu: Why are you wearing a suit?
Rafi: Because I'm taking Larry to get baptized and Bridge can't stop me.

Frankie Shaw has great comedy timing, and she illustrated that excellently throughout this crazy episode of the Showtime series. The scene with her imagining herself as Wonder Woman to make it through the electric wires was shocking but expected. 

What's so great is that Bridgette is surrounded by empowering women like Nelson and Eliza who feel like everything is easier for men, so they strive to be different. 

A Baptism - SMILF

Eliza was scared to do the mud run, but the wise words of her peers helped her do what she could to perform to the best of her ability. The man making comments about her weight was a first-class d-bag, and I wanted to see something go wrong for him. You do not speak to anyone in that manner and expect to get away with it. 

The other shocking development was that Rafi and Tutu have grown closer. Tutu has been vocal in the past about Rafi being one step away from relapsing. Despite not taking an interest in him, she had no idea that he took his sobriety to heart. 

She even thought he was joking about the whole baptism thing, but warmed to him when she realized he was for real. While Bridgette's relationship with Tutu may now be tainted, it looks like Tutu only chance to see Larry will be via Rafi. 

Bridgette: What's that?
Rafi: It's a muscleman mud run. What's that about?
Man: Wicked hot obstacle course. Alright? Raising money for the V.A., It beats slaving away at the gym. Right?
Rafi: I'm down for that.
Bridgette: Is it for dudes, only?
Man: No.
Eliza: Then, why did you only hand it to the guy?
Man: I didn't mean anything by it, I just liked the look of him. I figured he's into it. You're into it, right?
Rafi: Yeah, man, I do my thing. I hit it hard.
Bridgette: Did you not hand to my friend because she's a beautiful woman?
Eliza: And to my friend, because she has a kid?
Nelson: Or me, 'cos I'm fat.
Man: No, alright look, take these.
Bridgette: Pass.

There had to be a significant incident that put everyone at odds with one another and "DEEP-DISH PIZZA & A SHOT OF HOLY WATER" delivered on a whole other level. 

It remains to be seen what brings everyone back together, but Bridgette will probably be spending more time with Eliza than ever now, and that's actually a good thing for those who like humorous scenes. 

I could not stop laughing when the diner gave Eliza the donuts because they thought she was homeless when, in fact, she was probably richer than everyone who worked there. 

It turns out eating food on webcam for the highest bidder pays well. 

Over to you, SMILF Fanatics! What did you think of the latest episode? Should Rafi have Bridgette in the loop about everything? 

Sound off below. 

Remember you can watch SMILF online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all of the latest laughs from one of Showtime's finest series on the air. 

SMILF continues Sundays!


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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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SMILF Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Tutu: Why are you wearing a suit?
Rafi: Because I'm taking Larry to get baptized and Bridge can't stop me.

Bridgette: Come on, we gotta do it. It's the last one.
Eliza: No, we don't.