All American Season 1 Episode 10 Review: m.A.A.d city

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So Coop is essentially undercover in Tyronne's gang, which feels even more dangerous than if she was actually involved with him.

On All American Season 1 Episode 10, we learned Coop's plan to bring Tyronne down from the inside, and let's just say -- we're no less concerned than we were before. 

Will Coop's plan be successful? 

Friends Again? Tall - All American Season 1 Episode 10

The good news is, Coop hasn't lost herself.

She's playing the part, but she knows who she is and what she wants to accomplish.

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She wants revenge for Shawn, but she also wants to make those she loves safe. Bringing down Tyronne would go a long way in stopping the violence in their community.

Spencer and Coop may have differing views on the best way to go about it, but they both have that same goal. Stop the violence.

Helping - All American Season 1 Episode 10

As I predicted, Coop very nearly lost her relationship with Patience, and for good reason.

Patience worried that Coop was losing herself and giving in to the violence. Coop should have been honest with her from the beginning, as she was with Spencer. 

Patience is giving her another chance, but if this relationship is going to work, Coop needs to be completely honest with her. She owes her that much. 

Coop: I know you're worried about me.
Spencer: I ain't gonna stop fighting for your life, all right? So you can save your breath.

Spencer is really making a name for himself, and the gang members are starting to notice.

People listen to him, and Tyronne is already trying to figure out how he can use that to his advantage.

The idea of him using Coop against Spencer is terrifying. 

I hope they find a way to bring that dirtbag down without anyone else getting hurt in the process. 

Going Public Tall - All American Season 1 Episode 10

Spencer and Layla have finally made their relationship public! 

Of course, as soon as they did, the mean girls descended on Layla and tried to slut-shame her for jumping into another relationship so soon after breaking up with Asher. 

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Layla mostly paid it no mind, as she was too distracted by Spencer's ex-girlfriend, but Olivia encouraged her to take action before it was too late and her reputation was beyond repair.

Olivia knows a thing or two about being blacklisted at this school.

I appreciated that she was looking out for Layla, but the storyline felt out of place with much more significant issues getting tackled.

Laura and Spencer - All American Season 1 Episode 10

Were we supposed to be concerned about Layla's popularity while Spencer was literally inserting himself between two rival gangs holding guns on each other?

We watching bodies drop like flies like it's normal. This is not normal! It ain't just another day in the neighborhood. Kids dying over nothing is not the answer. Killing each other is not the answer, man. Revenge is not the answer! We all we got. If we destroy each other, who else gonna fight for us?


I understand that these are teenagers and they have to face normal, everyday high school problems in addition to the bigger picture, but it still felt like it was taking the focus away from Spencer's statement. 

It did help put things in perspective for Layla, though.

Helpful Laura - All American Season 1 Episode 10

She worried that she and Spencer were too different for their relationship to work because she didn't have to face the same hardships that Spencer did.

Spencer was quick to remind her that she has seen her fair share of tragedy. 

You've faced a lot of tragedy in your life, and you always manage to find a way to stay positive, give back to others. You know with your mom passing, and your dad always being gone, none of that changed you at your core. You've always managed to find a light in the darkness, and that inspires me. The difference between the person I was and who I am now, is you.


They're not all that different after all. 

I'm glad Jordan knew he was getting used for money. For a second there I was worried he might be that big of a dope. 

Angry Olivia? - All American Season 1 Episode 10

It's tragic that Willy has spent his life taking advantage of those who only want to love him.

Jordan only wanted a relationship with his grandfather, but and as Billy predicted, Jordan got disappointed.

It was a harsh lesson for him to learn, though, I'm not sure why he fought so hard for it in the first place. 

Jordan: I don't know why you just can't forgive him.
Billy: I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Jordan: People make mistakes, dad. Whatever happened to second chances?

Why does he believe Willy has earned a second chance?

People who deserve them have to earn them and Willy has made no move to apologize for his behavior or to accept Laura as his daughter-in-law.

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If I were Jordan, I wouldn't want a relationship with a man who didn't accept my mother. 

I get that Jordan wanted to see the good in him, and gave him the benefit of the doubt, but he's also smart enough to know that he's run out of chances with Billy. 

Gang Life - All American Season 1 Episode 10

He gave him the money he asked for, but Willy won't be getting any more.

He threw away a chance to make things right with his grandson after screwing up so badly with his son. He hasn't changed, and probably never will. 

It's appalling that he ruined one of the most significant moments of Billy's life by hitting him up for money the moment he got drafted.

Whether or not Jordan is a great football player someday, at least he'll always have a relationship with his father.

Fighting Violence - All American Season 1 Episode 10

Billy will keep pushing Spencer to be the best he can be, but he's not pushing Jordan nearly as hard.

Jordan may not be the prodigy Spencer is, but that only means if he wants to make the NFL, he'll need to work even harder.

Jordan might benefit from going to college and having a coach who isn't his dad. 

He needs someone to push him that isn't overly concerned with pushing him away. 

Your turn! Is Coop playing with fire by going undercover?

Were you cheering for Layla when she put those mean girls in their place?

How adorable was Spencer playing football with those little kids? 

Hit the comments, and don't forget to watch All American online!

m.A.A.d city Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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All American Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Kia: So, Layla seems nice.
Spencer: Yeah, yeah she's special.
Kia: I'm just glad you didn't move to Beverly Hills and bring home a Kardashian.

Jordan: I don't know why you just can't forgive him.
Billy: I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Jordan: People make mistakes, dad. Whatever happened to second chances?