Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Unfiltered

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Davia's mom is a [redacted].

The season is doing a great job of showing why the Coterie gang have gravitated to the theater turned communal like a beacon calling them home with the promises of found family and other beautifully broken people. 

Based on the events of Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4, it seems Mariana and Callie lucked up with having the best parents and family out of all of them.

Painful Memories - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

This hour belonged to Emma Hunton. Point-blank period. She with an assist by the forever impressive Josh Pence stole the hour with a raw, visceral performance once again proving how she is a powerhouse on the series when given the material.

It's not a knock against the other stories unfolding throughout this hour, but this Davia-centric hour could have remained a full Davia-centric one, and it would have been great.

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I may have said it a few times before, but Good Trouble has an impressive cast.

Yes, Callie and Mariana are the leading women, and thus the bulk of the content will revolve around them. It's what we expect even though the criticism by viewers and critics alike about Callie dominating more screentime and storyline than Mariana remains a valid one.

Davia Has A Visitor - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

Good Trouble is an ensemble series, and we want to know a lot more about the complex characters. One or both of the girls doesn't have to get interjected into each hour as a touchstone. We don't need a reminder about what characters earned this spinoff, nor will fans of The Fosters stop watching if they don't appear.

The new A-Team can hold their own, especially when you consider the most compelling storylines at the moment, don't involve either of the leading ladies.

Malika: Who's that guy? Where you been?
Dennis: Around.

Coterie member Gael and his heartrending family saga with his sister and the Martinez family are what made Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 3 so riveting. Affable Alice coming out of the closet and her shell is the type of storyline you cannot help but get invested. Dennis' depression battle is dynamic, and he's one of the fandom's darlings.

Support Buddy - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

All that said, the season is fleshing out the other characters more, some more than others, and I love it. For this installment, it was about peeling back some of Davia's layers and further complicating her and Dennis' relationship.

Davia spent most of the Good Trouble Season 1 as an offputting character. She had a cutting, acerbic tongue and was a glorified mean girl with glimmers of depth, but overall, she didn't start evolving until the end of the season.

We had an idea of her background as a plus-sized woman who overcame an eating disorder, had a judgmental, fat-shaming mother, and who worked toward inspiring others.

Bonnie  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

But Davia is not as confident as she gives off, and she's still overcoming insecurities and bad habits; she's still learning how to love herself. The more vulnerable Davia becomes, the more we see past her prickly outside, the more likable she becomes.

I love the Davia who isn't a jerk to other people, but now that we've met Bonnie, it makes sense how Davia became the way she has even if it doesn't excuse her. Bonnie is a shallow, insecure, mean girl. She's a sad woman.

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She embodies the saying "misery loves company," and it's unfortunate how she pulls her daughter down into the dumps with her because of how unhappy she is with herself.

Dennis: I love a woman who isn't afraid to eat.
Bonnie: Davia and I were just discussing this whole body positivity thing. What do you make of it?
Dennis: I think it's great people are comfortable in the skin their in.
Bonnie: But would you ever date a woman who is plus-size?
Dennis: Sure.
Bonnie: Have you ever dated a woman who is over a size 2?
Dennis: I don't really know women's sizes.
Bonnie: OK, a woman who couldn't fit in your jeans? See. People say they do a lot of things in theory but it's practice that tells the real truth.

Bonnie didn't go a moment without saying something hurtful, ignorant, or annoying. Her delivery while making disparaging remarks about Davia's weight was so matter-of-fact. You knew she said things like that Davia's entire life and didn't think anything about the damage she did to her daughter the whole time.

Dennis' Dirty Secret

She was also the sort who put too much emphasis on being a friend than a mother. The flashbacks of her trying to pick up guys, getting too drunk, and set Dennis and Davia up in the past were enlightening. Her mother is caught up on trying to be youthful and puts way too much stake into a specific idea of beauty.

Bonnie probably grew up with a parent who treated her as she does Davia and doesn't know better, but she needs to do better. She tore Davia apart both times she came for a visit, and it was sickening.

I don't want to tell my mom what I really think about her because it will hurt her. I don't want to make her feel the way she makes me feel.


Davia doesn't eat in front of her mother. Can you imagine not being yourself and comfortable around your parent, but also not eating in front of them? How awful!

Bonnie's worst moment was putting Dennis on the spot in front of Davia to prove a point. It was worse knowing that she and Dennis slept together the first time they met and kept it from Davia.

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Bonnie probably picked up on the crush (in the flashback) and feelings (now) Davia has for Dennis, and she used them to fat-shame her.

She was confident Dennis couldn't possibly find Davia attractive enough to date her or have sex with her. She used his history with women to show that no matter how diverse they were, they didn't include plus-sized women.

Momster - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

It made Dennis' attempt at supporting Davia all for naught. I respected him showing up to the dinner anyway knowing how awkward it could be. He had no way of knowing his presence made matters worse.

But just as Davia hasn't given up on him, he refuses to give up on her. He wouldn't let her shut him out, and his determination to be there and support her was the Dennis we know best. He's slowly coming back to the land of the living, and Davia is his lifeline.

Davia: I don't want to be myself around my mother because it hurts.
Dennis: Sorry, it's just I care about you. She has no right to judge.
Davia: You think I don't know that?

I can't quite call it Den Dad Dennis again because of the sexual tension that simmers between Dennis and Davia now. Fans have speculated about the pair for a while now, and it's commendable how the series is exploring this relationship.

Davia breaking down and telling Dennis why she doesn't call her mother out and sharing these pieces of herself she probably hasn't shared with anyone there was the best scene of the hour.

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Hunton wrecked me again during the scene, and I cannot help but think about all the people Davia's story resonates with, and while it isn't my story, I know the story; I know the people, and this mindblowing depiction hits you right in the heart.


Davia doesn't want to make her mother, who she's smart enough to recognize is an insecure woman, feel half as bad as she does. It makes sense, but it's also gutwrenching how she's compelled to put her mother's emotional well-being above her own.

She should not have to bear that cross; she cannot heal and move on. Dennis knows this, but he's not in the position to judge. It's where their relationship is so fascinating. They are two emotionally-bruised people who need to learn how to heal, and their friendship is mutually beneficial for doing that.

Did you see Dennis' laugh when he was helping her take pictures? How about Davia heeding his advice and posting her unfiltered picture on Instagram? If she's toting body positivity and authenticity, then why not show her beautiful unfiltered, unairbrushed self?!

Support Buddy - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

Their embrace was warm and platonic -- until it wasn't. There are definite feelings there, Davia thinking about Dennis while texting freaking Jeff spoke volumes.

God only knows what will happen if Davia finds out about Dennis sleeping with her mother. It's doubtful it will go over well, and it's the type of thing which could irreparably damage their relationship.

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Whether they are together or apart, Davia and Dennis are slaying this season, and are the most intriguing.

All the Pretty Ladies - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 3

While Mariana's Speckulate shenanigans are often more entertaining than her sister's issues, it feels almost superficial compared to the more compelling storylines.

Raj is the best boyfriend, and they are adorable together, but also, Evan is the best boss, and he and Mariana would also be cute together. I'm a sucker for both relationships, and both of them mean something and are refreshing representation for different reasons.

I'm rich Mariana. Ten thousand dollars to me is like ten dollars to you.


The problem is the workplace sexism and the struggles of being a female engineer in a male-dominated field come with a heaping dose of a love triangle. Mariana's relationships with these two men are starting to take up the bulk of her storyline at Speckulate.

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Relationship drama is old Mariana. She always had relationship drama all the time, so when it edges into that territory again it feels juvenile.

Raj is a ride-or-die boyfriend and colleague, but he is also concerned about the feelings Evan has for Mariana. Evan is sweet as pie and has found comfort but is also blossoming due to his relationship with Mariana, but he's her boss.

Oops! - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 3

Evan attempting to make small talk with Raj was hilarious, and Raj telling Evan about the glitch and being willing to take the fall for it was noble. Evan also gets away with the best line of the night by bluntly pointing out he's rich and can cover the cost.

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But it leaves Mariana torn between two men while also trying to do her job well and succeed in her field.

Maybe I'm giving Evan the benefit of the doubt again, but while it's evident he has feelings for Mariana, he also seems to have gravitated toward her because of how comfortable he feels around her.

Evan has Bank

It wouldn't surprise me either if she's the closest person he has to a friend right now, and he has found a safe space to test out and improve his social skills and more within their relationship.

It's possible he doesn't have any intentions on pursuing her romantically, but it doesn't bode well for her. Everyone already assumes she's sleeping with him or she's his favorite, and Evan doesn't hide how much he likes and respects her.

But alas, if we're stuck with a workplace love triangle with complications, at least Raj and Evan are adorable. They are both #BoyfriendGoals.

Boyfriend Goals - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

Isaac is boyfriend goals as well. He's one of the best recurring characters, and Malika could not ask for a better man.

He's wary of Joseph too, but he loves Malika and will do anything to make her happy and look after her, and that includes her family.

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Malika will find out about him loaning Joseph money, though, and it may not go over well. Joseph may share it with her. He remains a mystery, and I don't know what to think about him.

In a Bind - Tall  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

So far, he's painted in a positive light; the man carried his neighbor down a flight of stairs because of a broken elevator, but I still don't know if I trust him.

Is it just me or are Malika and Callie damn near the same person? It's no wonder they became fast friends, they are way too similar.

Malika was impulsive and focused on doing what she felt was right without thinking of the consequences, then she called up Callie who she may as well have on retainer, and Callie who is ten seconds into a new job as a legal aid came to fix things.

Malika's New Family  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4

Why the f**k is Callie like this all the time? Have you ever known someone who is on the verge of getting fired half a day into a new job all the time?

Callie had the nerve to say she could stay in her lane; Callie, never once in your life have you ever done such a thing.

Marcus is not a fan of Callie, and can you blame him? He must have a sense about these things, but the kickass woman in a power suit is here for all things Callie.

While Callie's portion of the hour could've been left out, it was badass when she and the woman walked into the apartment complex and laid down the law.

Point of No Return  - Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 1

But now this woman sounds suspicious. What's the nature of her relationship with Marcus? Why did he make the statement about her mentoring Callie in the same way she mentored him?

Callie must have stumbled into some more trouble again. Business as usual.

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Over to you, Good Trouble Fanatics. Which storyline held your interest the most? Have you jumped on board the Denvia ship? Is the Specukulate storyline losing focus? Hit the comments below!

You can watch Good Trouble online here via TV Fanatic!

Unfiltered Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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Good Trouble Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Your first week here might be your last.


Evan: Hey man.
Raj: Hey.