This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10 Review: Lights and Shadows

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What the heck was that final scene?

This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10 delivered everything viewers have been missing since the series went on hiatus in November 2019.

And then, just as everything seemed to be settling down, Randall saw someone in the kitchen who may or may not be real.

Meeting His Crossfit Buddies - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

It was no surprise that Randall had some sort of breakdown after he got home.

It's been coming for a while.

The new job is too much pressure for him, he refused Beth's suggestion that he look into therapy for himself as well as for Tess, and being the only one of the Big Three who is dealing with Rebecca's cognitive issues creates even more stress for him.

So as soon as he walked into the kitchen, I knew something was going to go down.

I figured it would be a panic attack, though.

Randall Supports Rebecca - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

The question now is whether that's a bona fide intruder or some sort of hallucination. 

Whichever it is, that certainly was unexpected. This Is Us caught viewers off guard again. Well done.

Backing up a bit, the scenes in the doctor's office were some of the most painful to watch because they were so realistic.

Miguel: For the record, I am perfectly capable of taking my wife to the doctor. We're getting older, and we don't remember things all the time.
Randall: Miguel, I would love to have come out here for nothing, but I know my mother. What I don't understand is why don't you see it?

There were so many strong moments here that it was hard to choose a favorite. 

Searching for Romance - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

Miguel's resentment when he and Randall were alone in the room was interesting. Miguel is usually so quiet and mild-mannered I didn't expect that from him.

Of course, what Miguel was really angry at was the idea that Rebecca could have a serious problem. He's been in denial all this time and attributing her problems to old age, so it wasn't surprising he wanted to shoot the messenger once Randall showed up at the doctor's office.

Babies change so fast and I knew every morning might be the last time you let me rock you like that. So I made sure to remember every little detail of those mornings.


Rebecca's speech about her experience with Randall as an infant worked on multiple levels too.

It was another example of how she can recall the past incredibly clearly even though her short-term memory is going, which is certainly symptomatic of early-stage dementia.

Another Date - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

But it also spoke to something that This Is Us' use of multiple timelines often underscores, and that is the drama of time passing at all.

Rebecca's feelings of time passing too quickly have been especially poignant on This Is Us Season 4.

Often, the version of Rebecca who is a mother to three 12-year-olds looks back on their early childhood and is sad that she is no longer the center of their world like she was when they were small.

And in the present, the version of Rebecca who is a grandmother is beginning to lose her memory and aware that she is getting older and that the babies she once nurtured are now adults with lives of their own.

In many ways, the way time changes families is a core theme of this show, and that's why the multiple timelines are so effective.

Rebecca and Her Mom - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

Rebecca's decisions in the past -- like on this episode when she decided to tell Jack that she loved him -- are made more poignant because we know what comes later.

We know that her love story ends with Jack's untimely death and that eventually she succumbs to dementia, and that makes her decision to pursue Jack that much more poignant.

Speaking of which, was anyone else surprised that Janet turned out to be so supportive?

Rebecca. If he is really your choice, this dark, complicated man, make sure he gives you a love story. One for the ages.


Janet and Dave seemed to be a united front who both were too rich and too snobby to ever accept Jack. But Janet seemed more empathetic than she ever had before when she saw Rebecca's pain over the separation from Jack.

Janet's concerns were understandable -- Jack wasn't making his rent and had rejected Dave's offer to help him get a better job, so it was reasonable for her to worry that he wouldn't be able to provide for Rebecca or their future family.

But that's a lot different than treating Jack as if he weren't a good enough person because of his financial situation.

It was interesting that Kevin described Jack and Rebecca's relationship as a storybook romance because this whole almost-breakup made it clear that their relationship was anything but.

Janet Malone Returns - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

Rebecca fought for her relationship with Jack -- with her parents and with Jack himself -- and very nearly lost him before they began.

Meanwhile, poor Kevin seems to keep attracting married women. What's up with that?

Lizzie should have told him upfront she was married instead of acting like she was available just because he was her "celebrity hall pass" or whatever.

It's too bad, because there was definite chemistry there, plus it's always nice to see Sophia Bush.

And for the love of all that is holy, please let that missed call from Sophie be the last time she is mentioned.

Waiting For Jack - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

I'm not a fan of on-again-off-again relationships. Kevin and Sophie have tried and failed enough and last time he saw her they established that it was over. 

So if she turns out to be the mystery woman he is engaged to by his birthday, I'm going to be beyond annoyed.

Hopefully, Nicky will return and talk some sense into Kevin before he can make another mistake with Sophie. I was surprised by how much I missed Nicky, and that would be a perfect thing for him to do.

When you tell me something, I believe you, cause that's how we roll.


Finally, can someone get Toby and Kate some session with a couples therapist dedicated to teaching communication skills?

Randall Goes to LA - This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10

I'm glad that Toby finally admitted that he's uncomfortable with Jack's disability, but sheesh.

Kate and Toby's story seemed to be an entire hour of Toby not telling Kate things and Kate thinking it meant something.

Hopefully, now that the truth is out, they can move forward because the constant misunderstandings and arguments are getting old.

Your turn, This Is Us fanatics.

How emotional was Rebecca's visit to the doctor for you?

What did you think of Kevin's latest relationship drama?

And what's your theory on what was going on in that last scene?

Hit SHOW COMMENTS and share your thoughts.

Hungry for more This Is Us? Watch This Is Us online right here on TV Fanatic.

This Is Us continues to air on NBC on Tuesdays at 10 PM EST/PST.

Lights and Shadows Review

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Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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This Is Us Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

When you tell me something, I believe you, cause that's how we roll.


Thanksgiving may be over, but one thing I'm grateful for is how good a traveler Jack is, unlike the screamer in Row Eight.
