God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20 Review: Collateral Damage

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Can Miles help a conflicted Friend Suggestion on God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20?

We assume that every Friend Suggestion that crosses paths with Miles leaves as a better person, but we've never stopped to consider the people who may be unintentionally affected by Miles's actions.  

Trevor is a man who has been trolling the Millennial Prophet podcast for about six months. 

Ruined Lives - God Friended Me

Rakesh believes being trolled is sign of success (and he's kind of right), but Trevor has a personal bone to pick with Miles because he believes the podcaster ruined his life for "entertainment."

A little digging reveals that Trevor was in love with Rose, the woman that Miles reunited with Lt. Freemont in that overly cheesy moment in Times Square on God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 1

It's usually enjoyable to reconnect with former Friend Suggestions, so I had high hopes for this storyline, but Trevor was insufferable. 

I just wanted to shake him and tell him to get it together. 

We're Family  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

Trevor was mad at something that was completely beyond Miles's control. Trevor and Rose were never together, he never told her how he felt, and now, with her wedding day approaching, he wanted to shoot his shot. 

He believed Miles was sent to break up Rose and Freemont (he wasn't), refused to accept that there was something else that could be done, and thought Miles would understand because he was in the same boat as him -- in love with a woman who isn't available. 

Except there was a stark difference between how Miles was handling his situation and how Trevor handled his.

Hacking the God Account  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

Miles accepted that Cara moved on even if it hurt him. He was happy knowing she was happy. When you truly love someone, you prioritize their happiness over your own. He refused to tell her how he felt because he knew it would either ruin her relationship or ruin his friendship with her.

Those were two outcomes Miles couldn't live with. Having Cara in his life was the most important, and he wasn't going to do anything to risk that. 

Rakesh: This is the best shot we’ve ever had at hacking into the God Account’s firewall and figuring out who’s behind this. This is important.
Zach: Okay, then why isn’t Miles here?
Rakesh: Cause Miles is dealing with a lot. That’s why he has me.

Trevor, on the other hand, didn't listen to logic. He led with emotions and never stopped to consider any consequences for himself, Rose, or the family. 

His actions were childlike when he turned into a keyboard warrior to out Miles's feelings for Cara in the comment section of the podcast. (We'll get to that in a minute).

Mixed Feelings  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

And in the most cringeworthy moment on television, he ignored Miles's pleas to give a short and sweet toast at Rose's wedding rehearsal. Instead, he poured out his feelings in front of her, Freemont, and all the guests. 

In what universe does that seem like a good idea?

If Trevor needed to get his feelings off of his chest, he should have pulled Rose aside and told her privately instead of ambushing and embarrassing her. 

You do wild things for love, yes, but in this case, it wasn't romantic, it was misguided. 

Trying to Find Clues - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

Trevor realized that the moment the room fell completely silent. 

What's worse is that Rose, her father, and Freemont all considered him to be family since he was so close to her late brother Joseph. 

By pouring his soul out, he could have easily pushed away a handful of people that cared about him and lost the girl forever. 

However, that didn't happen as Rose found Trevor to tell him that they needed to get past this because he was family.

Rose  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

She loved him in a platonic way, and something tells me, Trevor misconstrued his feelings for her; their relationship always seemed more like sibling love.

Admittedly, the storyline wasn't my favorite, and I hope this isn't our last Friend Suggestion ever because it'll be a disappointing final one. 

God Friended Me has given us some truly inspiring, uplifting, and emotional Friend Suggestions, but this wasn't it. 

On the plus side, it allowed the series to circle back to Rakesh's soulmate app to prove that it does actually work. 

Two Best Friends - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

Once Trevor accepted his relationship with Rose, he quit the dead-end job at the paper company and pursued his lifelong dream of stand-up comedy, which is where he met Marla, a woman who just moved into town and was also his soulmate suggestion. 

Coincidence? You already know it isn't. 

Even when things don't work out the way we want them, there are still happy endings and silver linings. 

Which brings us to Cara and Miles's relationship. 

When Trevor revealed Miles's true feelings for Cara in the comments section, Adam just so happened to be listening to the podcast and saw them. 

Getting Treatment  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

He didn't question their authenticity but took it as a sign of what he already knew -- one day Miles would wake up and regret his decision to walk away from Cara. 

Cara tried to fight for her relationship with Adam, but he did the right thing by breaking up with her. 

She was good at compartmentalizing her feelings and moving on because she had to, but she wasn't over Miles just like he wasn't over her. She had one foot in her relationship with Adam and one foot out. 

Adam would always be the other guy rather than the guy, which isn't fair for anyone. 

Moment of Truth  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

He did them both a favor by breaking up and walking away. 

And now that Cara is aware of Miles' feelings, what will she do?

Will she run into his arms? Or will she be upset with this back-and-forth dance?

Ali and Emily entered the next phase of their relationship by exchanging "I love you's."

Boy Genius - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

Ali has been cautious when it comes to matters of the heart considering her health issues. She expected Emily to bolt the minute things got difficult, but the truth is, Emily could have walked a long time ago. She meant it when she said she was all in. 

There was some unnecessary drama between the two of them when Emily lied to Ali and went to meet up with Tracy, her ex, but it brought them closer together in the end. 

Ali may be going through the worst battle of her life, but she's also incredibly happy because of Emily. 

Hopefully, the series gives us some closure on Ali's cancer. Sadly, unless they include a time-jump in the finale, we'll never get to see Ali become a mother and that's heartbreaking!  

Chats with Dad - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

This episode marked the beginning of the end as the next time we all reconnect, it'll be for the two-hour series finale.

My heart breaks writing that because I truly believe there are still so many stories to be told surrounding the God Account; so many adventures it can still take us on. 

Cara: Hey, we’re just friends.
Adam: Friends who never actually broke up.
Cara: What are you talking about? Of course, we did.
Adam: Cara, there’s a big difference between choosing to break up and being broken up because of the God Account.

It's a bummer to lose hopeful programming. God Friended Me was a standout show that found a way to be a glimmer of light and hope in the darkest of times. 

The characters were relatable and likable, and the series made you confront different realities, walk a mile in another person's shoes, question the world, and feel moments as they come -- both good and bad. 

Sticking Around  - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

The cliffhanger seems to lead us into our final mission to solve the God Account's identity as Corey used their attempt to hack the firewall to launch a virus causing the account to glitch. 

Rakesh warned Miles, who made up his mind that he was fine with not knowing, that if they don't figure out who is behind the God Account in 24 hours, it will be gone for good. 

It was a little silly of Rakesh to blindly trust Corey, a high-ranking officer at DARPA, to help him. 

After all, we're talking about code that was stolen from him. There's a good chance he's out for revenge. 

It's even possible he knows exactly who stole it and didn't know what it was being used for until Miles, Cara, and Rakesh reached out. 

The call Corey received when he was at Rakesh's job seemed urgent, and something tells me he's going to be the final Friend Suggestion. 

Let's Figure This Out - God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20

It's a promising way to send us off into the finale. The "God Squad" is running out of time to figure out the identity and help the God Account just like we're running out of time with the series. 

Do you think they'll be able to restore the God Account's abilities?

Or will their journey of helping Friend Suggestions end when the series does?

How will it all end?

Be sure to watch God Friended Me online and catch up before the series finale. 

Let us know your thoughts and feelings in the comments below! 

Collateral Damage Review

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Lizzy Buczak was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in June 2021..

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God Friended Me Season 2 Episode 20 Quotes

Rakesh: This is the best shot we’ve ever had at hacking into the God Account’s firewall and figuring out who’s behind this. This is important.
Zach: Okay, then why isn’t Miles here?
Rakesh: Cause Miles is dealing with a lot. That’s why he has me.

Cara: Hey, we’re just friends.
Adam: Friends who never actually broke up.
Cara: What are you talking about? Of course, we did.
Adam: Cara, there’s a big difference between choosing to break up and being broken up because of the God Account.